11~Not Yet

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Muichiro POV 🎭

After work, I came back to the dorm.  Genya was already there, playing a game.

"Hi," I said, setting my stuff down.

"Hey," he replied.  "Sorry about Makoto.  Really."

"It's fine," I shrugged, as if I didn't want to smash that asshole's face in.  I went to go take a shower.

*The next day, during school*

I'm so tired.  It was third hour (science) and I just wanted school to end so I could sleep.  I stayed up late last night finishing my book.  I only have ten chapters left, and it was exciting.  I know it's fully my fault, but it doesn't mean I'm not tired.

"Okay, so what do you wanna make?" Tanjiro asked.

"Huh?" I said.  "What do you mean?"

"Did you not hear the teacher?" He replied.  "We're partners.  We're working on a model of a solar system."  (AN: Ik, basic idea for a science project, but it's not like what they make in science is gonna be relevant.)

"Oh, cool," I said.  "I have a good idea."

"What?" He asked.

"You work, I sleep," I replied, putting my head down.

"Come on, Muichiro," he said.  "That's rude."

"I'm tired," I mumbled.

"You can sleep when school is over," he replied.

"But that's not for hours," I groaned.  

"Please?" He said.

Damn it.  Now I feel kinda bad.  

"Fine," I said, yawning.  "But I can't guarantee I won't fall asleep."

"Noted," he replied.  

We started working on our science project.  After about 40 minutes or so, the bell rang.

"Do you mind if I walk with you?" Asked Tanjiro.  "Since everyone has the same fourth hour."

"No," I replied.  We walked to gym together.  

"Okay," said the Coach.  "We're gonna play basketball.  I'm choosing the team."

Our team ended up being me, Genya, Genya's brother, a boy with blonde hair and pretty multi-colored eyes, that Mitsuri girl, a girl named Daki who's in my Homeroom, a boy named Sabito in my last hour, a boy named Rui in my Science, the annoying fry-browed Nezuko simp Zenitsu, my older cousin Kokushibo - I don't really know him cause our parents weren't on good terms, we haven't even officially met, I just know he exists, and a petite girl with short black and purple hair.  

The coach blew his whistle.  I just walked to wherever my team didn't want to be and made sure I wasn't open so they wouldn't throw to me (AN: Aka what I do when we play basketball).  It was kinda amusing, watching them.  When the really short girl with the purple hair threw the ball to Zenitsu, he screamed and ducked.  And whenever he did get the ball, he was too busy making sure Nezuko was looking before he did anything impressive, he never actually got a chance to do said thing (which I'm not too sure he could do anyway).

When class ended, I grabbed my stuff and rushed out.  That Makoto kid always stares at me after class and it makes me uncomfortable, so I leave as fast as I can.  

*skip to some hours later*

We had to watch some boring documentary during seventh hour, so I raised my hand to ask if I could go to the bathroom, actually planning to just walk around the area once or twice and come back.  

The teacher excused me, and I got up and left.  As I was walking, I saw Genya coming out of another classroom.

"Oh, hi, Muichiro," he said.  "Can I join you?"

"Sure," I replied.  

"So," he said.  "Are you excited for the field trip tomorrow?"

"The what?" I asked. 

"You don't remember?  We have a field trip for Social Studies tomorrow.  We're going to a History Museum."

"Oh," I replied.  "Sounds boring." 

He laughed.  "Don't say that in front of the teacher."

"I can say whatever I want in front of the teacher," I replied.  "The worst they can do is give me detention."

"The worst they can do is expel you," he corrected.

"Oh, yeah.  That'd be nice."

He laughed again.  And then, to my surprise, he grabbed hold and my hand and smiled down at me.  I blushed.

We just kept walking down the hall like that.  On our second lap around the school, the girl with the black and purple hair came out of my bathroom and saw us.

"Young love," she said, smiling.  "How sweet."  

"We aren't together," I corrected her.

"Not yet."


This was pretty bad, but I'm really tired and like half-awake right now, but I realized it's been a while since I updated it, so I should probably do that.  

Have a nice day.

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