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*6 Years Later*

Six years had passed by since Keith and Lance had gotten married. The twins were now twelve years old and will be entering middle school next fall. The very thought terrified Keith, they were still his babies and the thought of them already in middle school was so bizarre to him.

Their third child ended up being another girl who they named Sophia Annette McClain-Kogane. Lance's grandmother Annette had passed away shortly before she was born and to honour her, they had given her middle name to their baby girl.

This coming December, she will be turning six years old. She took completely after Lance, she had his brown hair and his blue eyes. However, in certain light, Keith swears he sees a bit of violet in her eyes. She is head strong and not afraid to stand up for her friends.

Keith still worked for Nat in the bar and was enjoying his job. He wouldn't trade it for the world. Lance had gone to university for teaching and was now teaching kindergarten at the twins' old elementary school, the same one Sophia would be attending soon.

Kosmo was still Kosmo, however, he was getting older and Keith feared the day they would have to put him down in the future. All three of his girls were so attached to Kosmo, as was he. He didn't even want to imagine the meltdowns that would occur that day. For now, Keith followed Kosmo's vets' instructions on how to keep him as healthy as he was able.

Shiro and Adam ended up adopting a little girl named Clarissa and her little brother named Stephan.

Romelle and Allura ended up having a little boy named Evan through a sperm donor, Allura carrying the baby. They were now expecting a girl through the same process.

Hunk and Shay's triplets had grown up and were soon to enter their last year of middle school in the fall. Of course, they stopped wanting kids when they found out Shay was expecting triplets years ago. Keith didn't blame them, he had to go through rebellions with the twins while trying to raise Sophia at the same time. He had Lance by his side but some days were harder than others.

Veronica and Acxa had gotten married and went to travel the world. They visited from time to time but they liked travelling. Neither of them wanted kids but they loved their nieces and nephews with all their hearts.

Krolia and Kolivan tied the knot as well. Keith was happy for his mother. Although, he and Shiro were shocked when she told them she and Kolivan were expecting a child, a little girl in fact. Of course, once they got over their shock, they were happy for their mother and promised to be the best brothers to their future sister who they debated between naming her Serena and Valerie. Though, they were leaning more towards Serena.

Pidge had come out as aromantic and had decided to go by they/them pronouns and was now working with their father and Matt in a lab working on different experiments. From what Keith had heard, they were all making ground breaking discoveries and Pidge was enjoying their job. As long as they were happy, Keith was happy.

Surprisingly, Nyma and Matt actually ended up together. They got along surprisingly well and became fast friends and shortly after they became a couple, having a daughter a year after they married. Lance was happy his childhood friend had someone and was happy.

Lance's sister Rachel ended up dating a girl named Florona and they had been dating for a few years now, they are expecting twins in the summer.


"Cami, can you go get Rina and Sofie for dinner please?" Keith called out to Camilla who was sitting in the living room watching a movie.

"Kay!" Camilla called out before Keith heard her head upstairs to get her sisters. A moment later, she returned with her sisters in tow.

"Where's papa?" Marina asked as they helped Keith set the table.

"He'll be home soon," Keith said as he handed the forks to Marina. "He had to stay back and help with some stuff at the school."

Just then the door opened and in walked Lance, closing the door behind him and slipping his shoes off.

"Papa!" Sophia called out before running up to her father and hugging him.

"Hey pumpkin," Lance said with a smile as he hugged her back. "Just in time for dinner I see."

"Cutting it a little close there," Keith said as the girls sat down at the table with their plates.

"Hello to you to," Lance said as he walked up, pulled Keith close and kissed him.

"PDA!" Marina yelled, jokingly covering her eyes.

"Oh like I didn't see you kiss Daniel under the bleachers last year," Camilla said with a roll of her eyes.

"With who?" Keith asked as he turned to Marina who was sitting with flushed cheeks now.

"We can talk about it later," Lance said with a sigh. "Let's eat."

As they ate dinner, Keith stared around at the table. Camila and Marina were talking about the upcoming school year and outfits they wanted to wear on their first day and Sophia was telling Lance about the magical world she made up in the backyard earlier that day.

If you were to ask Keith thirteen years ago if he imagined himself married, with three daughters, and singing at a bar. Well, he would have told you that you were crazy.


Now he couldn't imagine himself anywhere else but here. Surrounded his family and friends, his daughters, and the love of his life.

Camilla's brown hair had been cut to her shoulders, a length she preferred as it was out of her face and easier to maintain. There was also crimson streaks in her hair as well, something that had taken Keith and Lance a while to agree to. However, she had done the streaks herself when Keith and Lance had gone out one weekend and when they came home, well, let's just say they were shocked.

However, once the initial shock had worn over and they saw how happy Camilla was, they were happy to let the matter go. Once the red had started to fade, Keith and Lance took her to a salon to get them properly fixed. It had become a routine for them to take her the salon whenever she needed a refresh of colour.

Marina's black hair had stayed long and was now at her lower back. Unlike her sister, Marina didn't mind the long hair. She actually preferred her long hair. The tips of her hair had been dyed violet, she had debated dying her entire head of hair violet but decided against it and instead just dyed the tips of her hair.

Of course, once she got bored of the colour, she would either dye it another colour or simply chop the coloured strands off and let her hair grow back.

"Hey," Lance called out snapping Keith back into reality. "You okay?"

"Yeah," Keith said as he turned to Lance with a smile, grabbing his hand. "I'm good. We're all going to be okay."

And they were.

Everything was perfect.


"We cannot start over, but we can begin now, and make a new ending" –Zig Zagler


Author's Note:

And that's it, with this final chapter we have finally finished the story!

Not going to lie, I am a little emotional about it. I have had so much fun writing this story and loving these characters and I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I have writing it. I thank you all for your patience with certain bumps in the road and I appreciate you all being here for this story.

I'm already working on more stories and have begun writing on a few of them.

To get more updates on my stories/life updates/to have a space to chat with other readers of mine, please feel free to join the Discord I have set up. I'll leave the link here: https://discord.gg/6cF4925Sks

Until the next story!


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