Raspberry sweets (for Valentine's Day)

Start from the beginning

(Y/N pov)

"Damn! Where's my postcard?!" I ran all over the room looking for a postcard and a black marker. Everything is as always on the last day.

I didn't make homemade hazelnut chocolate in time and I'm running around the corners to finish the gift for Josuke. This day was important to me. For a long time love began to play inside my heart. When I see Josuke next to me, everything around me takes on bright and soft colors, as if I were in a flower garden. His smile, beautiful eyes, attractive image, ideal character and attractiveness. All this is happening. And I love it. I like it when everything is light around and there is such a beautiful person like Josuke nearby.

I was afraid to confess for a long time. Most of all, because of the large number of female fans that do not give a pass. Or because Josuke doesn't want to see me as a girl. What if I'm just a friend to him? There are many thoughts in my head haunted. Until Valentine's Day arrives. I realized that this is it. My salvation. I confess to Josuke on Valentine's Day.

At night, I made a big influx of chocolate with Josuke's favorite nuts. I prepared a gift package in the form of a pale pink box with an attached artificial rose. That's it, the chocolate is ready, but unfortunately, just before going to school, I remembered that I forgot the postcard. And now I'm looking for her.

"Damn! I definitely remember hiding it around here somewhere." I look again at the nightstand for a postcard.

A few seconds later, I open the second door of the bedside table and notice the postcard under the hairbrush. And why the hell did I hide it there?

"Finally. We must hurry. The lesson will start soon." I quickly sit down at the table, drawing the perfect "For Josuke" caption.

(Josuke pov)

There are still a few minutes left before class starts. I watch Koichi interact with Okuyasu. He tells how Yukako made chocolate chip cookies on Valentine's Day, how he gave the girl a box of cupcakes that his mother baked in return.

I'm glad that Koichi has it all figured out, but... I can't stop worrying. Y/N is late. It doesn't look like her. What if something happened?

"Please Y/N. Hurry up."

(Y/N pov)

That's it, the card is signed and I'm running to school. I need to catch the bus before it leaves. Running around the corner, I see that there is a bus leading to the school near the bus stop. But I do not have time to run as the car starts and leaves.

"No, stop!" I scream but it's useless. The bus is leaving.

I have to run to school. Lucky that the box is still with me. The main thing is that something serious does not happen along the way.

Running down the sidewalk, I hold a box of chocolates in my hands, and the other holds a backpack. Breathing is interrupted by the gravity of the bag and the distance of the run. From time to time I had to stop to catch my breath. And as for evil, a lot of bad things happened to me on the way to school.

I shortened my path by turning into a park, where I tripped over a branch behind the bushes and fell straight through the thorny thickets, scratching my face and ruining my uniform. Then I was going to go down from the ravine, but hung her leg and fell, rolling down, injuring her elbow and getting dirty. I was running past damp roads that had not yet dried from the rain, and the driver of a passing truck splashed dirty water from a puddle. And the worst thing happened when I tripped again, this time on a running cat, and lost the chocolate from my hands. The box fell onto the road and a passing car crushed the valuable gift, smearing it like a can of construction paint.

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