In Dragons We Trust (edited)

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DISCLAIMER: I only own the characters pictured above and the plot. Everything Else belongs to Cressida Cowell, Dean DeBlois, Chris Sanders, Bonnie Arnold, Will Davis, Steve Hickner, Tom Owens, Kate Spencer, Adam F. Goldberg, John Puglisi, Bruce Seifert, Peter Steinfield, Aimée Marsh, Johane Matte, Ken Morrissey, David Moses Pimentel, Jeff Snow, Elaine abogan, John Sanford, Chad Hammes, Art Brown, Douglas Sloan, Linda Teverbaugh, Mike Teverbaugh, Brad Lewis, Jonathan Groff, Jon Pollack, Tim Johnson, and every other person who was included in creating the franchise.


(Hiccup falls through the sky, relaxed)

"Hiccup. What are you doing'" exclaimed Gobber concerned.

"It's just a trust exercise Gobber. Don't worry, Toothless will catch me"

Gobber had doubts  but the dragon called Toothless hasn't failed Hiccup yet so he decided to give the Dragon the benifit of the doubt.  

Hiccup(v.o.): As you fly through life it's always good to know who you can trust... and who you can't.

"Preach!" prclaimed Aina dramatically causing many people to chuckle. It was clear she inherited her father's dramatic flair.  

(Toothless catches him in the air)

"See" Hiccup pointed

"We never disagreed" Noel deadpanned

Hiccup: Nice catch, bud. A little close...

Toothless rolled his eyes. At least he caught him instead of letting Hiccup go splat

Hiccup (v.o.): I know I can always count on Toothless. And it's important for him to know... that no matter what... he can count on me.

Toothless crooned, he could count on Hiccup no matter what.

Hiccup: (Talking to Fishlegs) It's your turn. Jump!

Fishlegs: I don't want to jump! I-!

"Scared Fishy" teased Tuffnut

"It's a long way down!" Defended Fishlegs

Hiccup: You have to believe she's gonna catch you! It's a trust exercise.

Fishlegs: I like to do my trusting on the ground, thank you very much!

"Me too" shivered Hoyce. He loved dragons but he preferred to be on the ground. 

Snotlout: Like this, chicken-legs. WHOO-HOO-HOO-HOO! 

(Snotlouts falls off Hookfang. Hookfang flies on, seemingly oblivious that his rider just fell off his back)

The dragon riders laughed as if it was a common occurrence....which it was

"HookFang, please catch him" Idonia muttered in worry. Sander wrapped his arm around her in comfort. He knew Hookfang which catch his son. 

Tuffnut: So... should we mention something to Hookfang?

Ruffnut: Let me sleep on it.

Sherica chuckled 

 Noell: Hookfang! Get him!

"Awww, You do care" Snoutlout smiled 

Noell rolled her eyes and tried not to smile(I love their love hate Sibling relationship)

(Hookfangs eyes see Snotlout falling uncontrollably. His eyes widened before he dived after Snotlout)

Snotlout: (Falling through the air.) Not feeling the trust!

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