Luckily, no one noticed or if they did they didn't say anything. And I wiped them off as quickly as they came. They are for when I am alone in my room and the entire world is asleep.

Soon we got up, they paid their bills and then we went back to our car where Paul was already waiting. We piled up inside once again and the engine roared to life and we were off.

"Where to now, guys?" Paul asked a little too loudly from the front and his voice echoed in my head a thousand times louder.

"Uh, Paul, if you could drop me off first?" She asked and Paul replied with a sure and we were on our way to drop her. Once we got there she hugged everyone and then she turned to me and whispered, "Take care, Harry." And I nodded. I don't know if she was being sarcastic or if she actually wanted me to take care of myself but I nodded. She then turned to Louis who was already staring at her with a smile, which literally felt like being stabbed with a gazillion daggers simultaneously. And then she leaned in and placed her lips on his and they were kissing. He was just as much into it as she was. That's three times in like six hours right in front of me. But as much as it hurt I couldn't stop looking at them. I couldn't stop looking at him. I couldn't stop thinking about how adorable he looked. I couldn't stop trying to imagine what kissing him would feel like. I couldn't stop imagining him running his fingers through my hair while we kissed. I couldn't stop. But obviously whenever has the world tried to cooperate with me?

I was thrown back into reality because of a moan coming from her. Okay. What the actual fuck? Who does that in front of four other dudes? And he was smirking. Oh god.

I felt jealousy surge through my veins and I hope she noticed how hard I glared at her because if looks could kill she would have been dead by now.

Once she got out the car began to move again and I rested my forehead against the window because I had no energy left. I was almost positive death would hurt less than this and at least my body wouldn't have to be numb.

"Paul, I am going to go back with the lads and stay the night so just drop us there." Louis yelled.

"You are coming to stay?" Zayn asked with excitement.

"Yeah, I am! My place is boring and I miss you guys." Louis replied and they all cheered because he was coming back.

We had a long drive back home and while on the way Louis fell asleep, his head resting on Liam's shoulder. And let me tell you how hard it was to stop myself from walking up to him and kissing the crap out of him. He snored occasionally which made him all the more adorable.

"Oh, for fuck's sake. HE HATES YOU! Get that through your thick head, fag!"  And I ignored the voice for the millionth time today.

Once we reached back home, the rest of them started playing their video games and no one noticed how I came straight up to my room. I needed space after all that had happened today. Once in the comfort of my bed I finally let the tears escape. They kept flowing and the events of today kept replaying in my mind like a movie. It hurt. No, it was more than normal pain. 'Hurt' couldn't begin to explain what I felt. Pictures of them kissing, them feeding each other, Louis whispering something in her ear, her giggling kept coming back and they didn't stop. No matter how hard I tried. He loved her. Not me. He LOVED her. He probably didn't even consider me a friend anymore. No, he hates me. Louis HATES me. My Louis hates me.

"Yes! He hates you." The voice said, this time louder than all the other times.

"Can you shut up?"

"Make me!"

"I said, shut the fuck up up! Please! I have had enough. Please stop!" I tried to make my voice sound commanding instead I just ended up begging like a freak.

Lights Will Guide You Home (Larry stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now