"Just get out Gracie" he said with a frustrated sigh,

"No" I shook my head "he's gonna spank me" I stated,

"I'm gonna spank you if don't move your butt out of that seat" he warned making me whine even more,

"Please" I cried and Will leant on the car with his hand on the roof,

"One" he began to count "two" he continued "last chance" he warned. I jumped out of my seat but instead climbed over to the other side of the car,

"No, you can't make me" I cried,

"Gracelyn Halstead get out of the car" Will said in a scary voice "get out or I'm gonna get Jay to come down here and he can deal with you" he threatened but I shook my head "right fine" he said as he pulled his phone out,

"Nooo" I screamed "I'm doing it" I stated as I climbed back over and let my brother lift me from his car and place me firmly on the floor, not before landing a particularly sharp smack to my jean covered behind. He closed the car door and locked it before taking my hand tightly in his and leading me across the road and up the steps to the district where Jay was lurking around the front desk looking less than impressed,

"Well?" He asked our oldest brother,

"Suspended for the rest of the week" Will informed as he pushed me slightly towards Jay,

"You're seven years old Gracie. Seven" he lectured "upstairs" he ordered as he unlocked the gate and gestured for me to do as I was told.

Still determined to avoid getting my butt spanked I made a bee line for Adam in the hope that he would protect me,

"Gracie, what're you doing?" Adam asked confused as I ducked behind his chair,

"Hiding from Jay so he doesn't spank me" I said obviously,

"And you think he won't just spank you anyway when he finds you?" He asked with an amused eyebrow raised,

"Maybe not" I shrugged hopefully and he shook his head,

"Gracelyn Halstead get over here" Jay ordered and I shrunk further behind Adam,

"I didn't mean to do it" I tried to defend nervously,

"Move Gracelyn" he repeated but I shook my head determinedly "one" he began to count causing me to whine "two" he continued,

"Please Jay" I pleaded with frustrated tears pouring from my eyes,

"Three" he finished before moving towards me,

"NO" I screamed as he lifted me off the floor and carried me in to the break room,

"ENOUGH" he shouted making me fall silent. Jay hardly ever shouts at me. "Everyone here is trying to work and the last thing they need is for you to be acting like a baby" he said still in a raised voice,

"I don't want a spanking" I sobbed,

"It's not up for discussion Gracelyn" he stated "actions have consequences and what you did today was unacceptable" he lectured "now I'll deal with it when we get home and until then you stay in here with your butt planted to that chair, do you understand me?" He asked expectantly,

"Yes" I snapped in an unnecessarily sharp tone causing Jay to swat the side of my leg "yes sir" I repeated in a more 'acceptable' manner,

"Good" he nodded before giving me one last pointed look and leaving the room.

The day dragged by but home time still came around all to soon. Jay had calmed down a considerable amount but he was still relatively angry as he drove us back to our apartment. The silence was thick even as the front door opened and we walked in to our home,

"Go to your room Gracie" Jay instructed. I was past the defiance by this point so I found that I obeyed his request without any hesitation. I sat in my room and listened as I heard Will return, but still no one came to speak to me. It wasn't until fifteen minutes later that there was a light knock on my door and Wills head poked in,

"C'mon" he said indicating that he wanted me to follow him. I did as I was told and followed my oldest brother out of my bedroom and in to the living room where Jay was already sat on the couch waiting. My stomach flipped as I walked over to the couch and sat down staring nervously at my hands,

"You wanna explain what was going through your head when you thought that spray painting a wall would be a good idea?" Jay asked as I shifted uncomfortably with a silent shrug "Gracelyn" Jay warned as I felt him cup my chin and lift my head up to meet his expectant eyes,

"Someone dared me to do it" I mumbled,

"Who dared you to do it?" Will asked,

"Ami" I said quietly and both of my brothers shared a look,

"Where did you get the paint?" Jay asked,

"Ami as well" I mumbled "but I didn't think I would get caught" I pleaded,

"That doesn't matter Gracie" Jay spoke "wether you thought you would get caught or not doesn't make it ok" he added,

"I am almost certain that you knew what you where doing was wrong, correct?" Will asked me and I nodded silently,

"Words Gracie" Jay prompted,

"Yes" I admitted "but they dared me to do it" I added shamefully,

"You could've said no" he replied,

"Those girls are not the type of kids you wanna be hanging around with" Will added "you're a smart kid, don't change who you are just to fit in with them" he explained,

"I really don't want a spanking" I said with tears stinging my eyes,

"That is not your decision to make" Jay replied "what you did was really stupid Gracie, if you do that again in another ten years time you'll get yourself arrested" he lectured.

"Sorry" I mumbled,

"Go back to your bedroom and I'll be there in a minute" Jay instructed firmly.

I sat on my bed with my legs crossed under my butt and jumped slightly when my door opened and Jay walked in closing the door behind him.

"Up you get" he instructed tapping my thigh as he sat down on my bed. I was quick to do as I was told and climbed off my bed and Jay firmly grabbed my wrist and pulled me so I was standing in between his knees "do you understand why you're in trouble?" He asked,

"Because I ruined the wall at school" I told him,

"Ok, let's get this over with" he said as he manoeuvred me so I was bent face first over his knee and used his other leg to stop me from kicking too much. He didn't waste any time in delivering the sharp smacks to my upturned bottom and continued to do so for another minuted before tipping me forward slightly and delivering the final handful to my sit spots.

By the time he was finished I was sobbing my heart out and needed no encouragement when he lifted me up and held his arms open for me to climb in to.

"M'sorry" I sobbed as Jay rubbed soothing circles on my back and whispered sweet nothings in to my hair,

"Good girl" he praised as he continued to hold me until my sobs died down. He pulled me away from him and wiped the stray tears from my puffy cheeks with the back of his thumb "you're not to do anything like that ever again Gracie, do you understand me?" He asked and I nodded,

"Yes sir" I said quietly as he pulled me forward and kissed my forehead,

"First thing tomorrow I want you to write a letter of apology to your teacher and principal" he told me and I sighed,

"Do I have to?" I whined and he quirked a silent eyebrow at me "fine" I defeated,

"Go on, go get a shower and ready for bed" he instructed.

The next day I woke up bright and early and went to work with Jay where I sat at his desk and wrote two letters of apology. I spent most of my days off school doing jobs around the office or blankly staring at the wall in the doctors lounge as I wasn't allowed any of my electronics.

After my weeks suspension Jay took me to school slightly earlier than needed to I could go to my teacher and principal separately to give them my letter and apologise. 

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