Chapter 3

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Rose sat talking to her friend Wren over lunch on Monday when she got messages from Ransom. She rolled her eyes, "it's him."

Wren smiled, "come on, Ransom Drysdale has a thing for you and you're just going to blow him off?"

Rose shrugged, "he's an idiot, not someone I'd ever want around Sloane."

"So what? Then just sleep with him! You said it was good, right?"

Rose laughed, "more than good, but I don't know."

I'm in a predicament and I need your help Rose

I already know I'm going to regret responding to you
What do you want Ransom?

You see, my big mouthed cousin saw us leaving the bar last week
So now my mom thinks I'm seeing someone
I need you to come to family dinner with me next Sunday
As my "girlfriend"

Absolutely not

She groaned as her phone started ringing, "no Ransom!"

'Please Rose! I know you want to see me again.'

She laughed at his pleading as she looked at a confused Wren. She shook her head, "no way."

Ransom sighed, 'did you not have a good time? I know you did. I know I felt as amazing as you did. And I know that you are now blushing wherever you are.'

Rose sighed as she did blush, looking down at her lunch, "I can't Ransom, I'm sorry."

'You know. This is your fault Rosie. You looked so good, sitting there at the bar all alone, legs for days under that red dress. I couldn't stay away from you. Least you could do is come to dinner at my family's house. I think you owe me that much.'

Rose laughed out a little too loudly as she saw a few people look at her. "Mr. Drysdale, for one, don't ever call me Rosie ever again. Second, you go from begging to manipulating? I prefer the begging."

Ransom laughed, 'oh I'll beg if you like. On my knees and everything. Anything you want.' He groaned, hearing himself, 'what are you doing to me Rose? I don't beg!'

She looked up at Wren as she rolled her eyes, "fine. One dinner and then I never want to hear from you ever again."


"I'm serious Ransom, never again."

'Fine! Thank you Rose. I'll send you the information.'

Rose rolled her eyes as she hung up the phone without saying goodbye. She groaned as she brought her hands up to her head, "what the fuck just happened?"

Wren laughed, "I don't know, what happened Rose?"

She looked up at her friend, "I just agreed to have dinner with Ransom and his family. How did he do that?"

Wren laughed again, "you've succumbed to that Drysdale charm."


Rose entered her dad's house, plopping on the couch next to him and Sloane.

"Bad day?"

She sighed, "weird one. I guess. Can you watch Sloane Sunday afternoon? You can watch her at my place in case I get back a little late."

Paul nodded as he rested his hand on her thigh, "of course I can love. What's the matter?"

Rose groaned, "I agreed to have dinner with Ransom and his family."

Paul laughed, "I thought that was a one off? Now you're having dinner with his family?"

"It's a whole thing. He wants his parents to stop bothering him about not having a girlfriend and apparently his cousin saw us leave together the other night. So he asked if I would have dinner to make them leave him alone."

"Uh huh." Paul nodded, "since when are you the girl that does that sort of thing?"

"I don't know!" She stood up as she started to pace, "he got into my head!" She looked to see Paul laughing at her, "what?!"

He shrugged, "nothing. You know I have no trouble watching Sloane."

She nodded, "thank you daddy. Now why were you laughing at me?"

"Because you like this boy."

Rose scoffed, plopping back onto the couch as she crossed her arms, "I do not!"

Paul laughed, "yes you do. Only someone you like can get under your skin this much love."

She groaned, shaking her head, "no. You're wrong. I just find him annoying. And conceited. And manipulative."

"And charming. And attractive. And challenging."

She huffed, resting her head back on the couch as she thought of what her father said.


Ransom sighed as he laid in bed, thinking about Rose. He finally picked up his phone to message her.

Is there a reason I irritate you so?

You don't irritate me

Then what is it?
I'm not used to this response from women

Maybe that's the problem?
You've taken advantage of your position that you never took the time to learn how to talk to or treat women properly

You didn't seem to mind me or how I treated you last week

Only parts of you

Parts you can have whenever you like

Go to sleep Ransom

I can't
. . .
I can't stop thinking about you

. . .

Ransom groaned as he tossed his phone on the bed.  He rolled to his side, staring at the wall as he tried to sleep.

Ransom Drysdale - Thorns 💛Where stories live. Discover now