Chapter 1

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The two stared out of the window as a small beam of light flickered in the distance, in and out... In and out before fading out entirely in the distance. The rain that splattered against the window blurred the lights slightly as the two viewed the strange phenomenon. 
-Yeah, I saw that light Canada..

Finland mumbled, leaning forward slightly as he gazed out of the window. Canada slowly looked down at the camera in his hands and began to flick through some photos he had taken of the strange event. The two stayed silent in thought for what seemed like a good few hours.
-Well, I would have said that it could have been some weird gas that was lit on fire... But that's highly unlikely. There aren't even any large bodies of water close.

Finland lifted his posture and stood up straight as he spoke. Canada nodded in agreement, he took another glance at one of the photos before opening his mouth.
-Well, it must have been manmade. I have no other reasoning...

The two paused once again, an awkward silence.
-It's time to go Canada, I don't wanna be late for family game night again.

Finland spoke as he began to walk away, Canada turned around to watch him leave.
-Wait, you always tell me that game nights end horribly. Why do you keep going?

Canada sputtered out, Finland turned around in the hallway and began laughing.
-You got it wrong, I need to show them who's better at monoploy!

Finland continued laughing picking up his large, packed hunting back in the hallway.
Canada sighed and shook his head slightly.
-Of course... Of course, it wouldn't be you otherwise. I've seen you at beer pong last year, remember?

Canada began walking towards Finland, picking up his own bag as he approached. Finland closed his eyes and shook his shoulders playfully.
-Of course I remember! You cannot tell me that shot wasn't a saving grace, but Austria landed his ball into it. God damn, Vodka and Datil pepper? that's cruel man.

Finland paused as Canada snickered and rolled his eyes.
-At least I wasn't the one to drink that concoction.
-I mean, true... It usually doesn't only burn on the way in, but out too.

Finland grimaced after Canadas comment, shaking his hand a bit as he opened the door.
-sheesh! That just makes it worse...! Thank god I am not some spicy food lover...

Finland quickly exclaimed.
Canada stepped outside after Finland, the door to the wooden cabin soon shut and it was locked once again until next time.
The two began walking towards the car, laughing and joking about a myriad of things that came to mind.
But one question lingered still... Those lights, they certainly weren't flares for emergencies and it was quite light outside despite the rain.  So, what was it exactly?
Perhaps it would simply fade into another urban legend as everything else of that nature. 
Maybe not so much this time...

〖 2019/0/11, 1 week later... 

Countries began to trickle into the large glass building. It stood tall and proud, but the murmurs and chatters among the other countries no matter the language was... Unusual, unlike the countless other times they have arrived at a scheduled United Nations meeting, they discussed politics or other world events.
But not this time, there were still murmurs about those lights the duo had originally seen out in the forest. Outlandish theories began to form to explain these events while others dismissed it entirely.

Sweden slinked over to her older half brother Finland with a curious gleam with Germany trailing right behind her.
-Finland? What's up with all of these "strange lights in the forest" shenanigans?

Finland stopped and turned around before shrugging slightly.
-I don't know, me and Canada just saw these lights and didn't know what to make of them. That's all, you've probably heard of the nut job theories...

 He mumbled in the end, Sweden slowly nodded.
-Ja, Ja. Of course, big brother... How come you always see these crazy things while out hunting? welp, at least you bring photos I suppose to prove some thing that has happened.

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