Freaking out!?

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Finally the bell rings, everyone says bye and get to their class or just walk around the hallways. "Oh my god that's was so awkward/embarrassing back there", Leo sighs. "Yeahh, but like I mean i- you know- like I don't really mind with that type of shit. So it was alright, kinda used to it anyways." Jerry casually says as if this happens with all his friends (which it does). Leo kinda looks like he'd seen a ghost, all pale. How-how can he just be ok with all this, like- like I'm one of his bestest friends is he not at least one bit concerned about what other people would think about us. Like what if we actually did like each other.. what if we were actually dating!? People here will judge you for who you like and it'll be even worse if it's the same gender! I-I-I mean it's not like I think about dating or like Jerry, like I don't think about uh like holding his warm gentle hands or hugging him every time I see him or whenever I see him with his mask down I don't just admire how beautiful/handsome he is or think about ki- "LEO!" Leo's thoughts get interrupted by Jerry. "Uh-Oh, um what happened?"Leo questions as if he just woke up from a 15 hour nap. "I'm pretty sure you just zoned out the entire way we walked to class and you sorta look pale like really pale as a vampire from those cartoons. Also it kinda looked like you were gonna pass out, you also look a bit sweaty." Jerry sounds concerned. "Well uh I'm just-you know tired.. from Gym, I mean we did just have it, so um yeah that's it."Leo fake yawns and shakes it off and pretends he's fine. Although Jerry doesn't buy it, he's very worried about him, so he asks him,"You know what let's go to the nurse" Leo starts to get red and worrying,"Oh no no! It's alright man, I'm fine honestly plus I don't want the ELA teacher to worry bout us" Leo sweats. Jerry doesn't look like he's changed his mind at all,"Fine then if your so worried about her worrying about us, then I'll tell her where we will be" Jerry starts walking up to the ELA teacher and tells her about everything but obviously not bout what happened in gym class. Leo starts getting flustered, wow. He really cares, that's...nice. Leo smiles all cheesy. "OK let's go" Jerry grabs his hand and pulls him and start walking toward the nurses office.
Leo's heart starts beating really fast and it's not the fact that Jerry just grabbed his hand and it still holding it while they are sitting down. "Hey, you ok?"Jerry is really worried bout his "friend". "Yeah I'm fine it's just that- I mean like you didn't really have to take me here, I mean I-I can stay here by myself, I don't want you missing class." Leo chuckles. "Ha, nah I'm good I'd rather be here than be in class, plus I want to make sure you're good, I wanna take care of you." Jerry flashes a smile (he has his mask down cuz he has a water and just got out of gym class). Leo gets all red and blushing like crazy, "That sounds cheesy" Leo laughs. Jerry realizes and face-palms, "Oh my fucking God, stop" Jerry nudges him and chuckles. They sit there in silence while the nurse attends/helps Leo.
"Hey, I have a question." Jerry sound all serious,"Uh, sure go ahead ask"Leo sound unsure. "Was all this about what happened in PE (gym)?" Leo stops his tracks, Jerry stops walking as well when he notices he stopped. Leo looks nervous and looks like as if he's gonna start crying, well I mean his eyes started tearing up. "Uhm... no it's not that, just forget it, le-let's just get to class". As Leo starts walking toward the classroom, Jerry grabs his hand and pulls him by the waist and holds him closely. Leo just looks surprised but he ignores the eye contact, and tries to hold in the tears. "Leo." Jerry says firmly. "Tell me, and you better not ignore this question and answer it honestly, ok?" Leo nods. "Do you... do you have feeling for me?" They stay in silence for a while, until.. "OMGG JERRY, are you dating Leo?!" They both turn around and see one of their friend's (I'm not gonna put real names so ima just make one up),Jackson (idk, don't judge me). "W-what?" Jerry says scared, almost panicky. "NAH it's fine, I mean I won't judge but like since when?!" Jackson says all teasingly. "Oh! Uhm we aren't dating!" Jerry glances at Leo real quick and he looks like he literally gonna burst into crying like a bomb and explode. "Well I mean how are you guys not? Like the way you're holding him and that close?! You guys gotta be together!" Jackson is just invested at this point. "Jackson! Just go to your class I swear to fucking god!" Jerry doesn't wanna deal with his bullshit right now. "Aight aight, I'll leave, Jesus! Either way it's fine if you guys are dating or not, I'll support ya'll." Jerry pulls Leo to the side of the hallway where no one can see them, not really and they sit on the floor (musty floor😟) .Jerry holds Leo closely and hugs him while Leo cries silently.


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