Cale let out a sigh at the Black Dragon’s words before reaching out toward the mana. An angry four-year-old could be quite dangerous.

The mana, that seemed ready to destroy anything and everything gave way to Cale’s hand. The Whale seemed to be shocked at this development.

Cale’s hand finally reached something round. It was the dragon’s head. Cale just stoically patted it a few times before plopping the dragon onto Eve's head making her wobble.

“Don’t get angry. You will get hurt.”

The mana started to quickly disappear. Cale then heard a quiet voice.

- I will not get hurt. I am strong.

“I know, I know. But you still have to be careful.”

It was hard to calm down a four-year-old child. However, the Black Dragon seemed to have understood what Cale was trying to say as he rub his head on Eve's fluffy hair.

- You should be the one being careful, weak human.

The mana disappeared completely. Cale turned away and looked toward the Whale once the mana was gone. The Whale slowly lowered its large head toward Cale. Cale flinched at the size of the head but managed to stand still. It was because the murderous intent had disappeared from the Whale’s gaze.

Once the Humpback Whale lowered its head to the right in front of Cale, it started to speak.

“I have something to ask-.”

At that moment.

A small Whale was swimming like crazy from the far horizon. It was heading toward them. It seemed to be very weak and small compared to this 15m Whale. Eve is having a problem moving her head from the weight of the dragon but she seems to get the hang of it.

That Whale quickly approached them and started to shout.

“Noona, you cannot bite him and kill him!”

The Humpback Whale in front of Cale quickly turned around.


The seawater splashed from the Whale’s movement and drenched Cale and Eve.

However, Cale did not have time to think about this. He closed his eyes. Eve tried to cover the dragon which was deemed useless since the dragon make a barrier for himself.

‘This really must be that Humpback Whale.’

The tiny Whale coming toward them was most likely Paseton. That meant that there was only one existence that he would call noona.

The current Whale King’s daughter and the future Queen of the Whales.

The Whale was at the vanguard alongside Choi Han and the new in the battle against the mermaids.

Cale could see the X shaped scar on the Humpback Whale’s back.


It was her.

The large Whale’s face started to turn into a frown. Cale slowly started to move backward, as he did not want to get involved in this Humpback Whale sibling reunion.

The small Whale shouted once more.

“He is someone you must not kill!”

The Black Dragon confusedly spoke into Cale’s mind again.

- What is that small Whale talking about? We are not fighting.

Cale felt the same way. Cale was thankful that everybody was too focused on the situation on the other side of the island to hear this small Whale’s voice. Otherwise, everyone would have come here after hearing the small Whale’s shouts.

It was not long before the Whales would meet. However, the Black Dragon casually added on at that time. Eve also said something at the same as the dragon.

- By the way, just so you know, there is one more coming.

“I sense someone coming this way."

‘What? One more?’

Cale stopped walking backward and turned toward the forest.

“Muhahahahahah. I smell it, I can smell it!”

A crazy bastard whose brown hair looked like a wild lion’s mane appeared.

It was Toonka. His eyes looked crazy. He was rushing out of the forest while shouting.

“I smell someone strong!”

Cale crouched down as soon as he saw Toonka while Eve just look away uninterested after seeing him. Thanks to that, Toonka and the Humpback Whale made direct eye contact with each other.

Cale crawled out of the way before the shrimp could get hurt. Eve could only stand in front of Cale as a shie-

I-I mean, haha...

As protection, yes, protection.

As protection, yes, protection

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-To be continued...-

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