i. | hogwarts

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"FOR THE LAST TIME MUM, YES I HAVE EVERYTHING PACKED" it was the first of September, 1976, the day fourteen year old Selene Martella left for school again which meant that her mother, Julie Martella would start fretting about everything.

"Just check again dear, OH the bacons!" Julie hurried over to the kitchen, where her bacons were burning away.

Selene sighed as she climbed up the stairs again, just to check if she did have everything. She closed the door of her room, entering her cold yet lovely room. While her house was gryfinndor, she preferred to have her room paint green, she loved the way her room looked whenever it rained and it rained quite a lot in London.

Her room was painted a dark, typical slytherin colour, with golden lights, a queen bed in the middle of the room with two bedside tables, a study table at the side of the room, and her dressing table with a cupboard beside it, a mirror on the cupboard.

She looked at her opened trunk with wide eyes. Everything in the trunk was scattered around. She turned to glare at the culprit who did that. It a beautiful golden retriever that her family had for the past three years, Harris, Selene's father, found the dog injured and brought it home. Since then they had him. But the the dog wasn't as innocent as it looked. In fact it caused trouble all of the time. Whether it was just ripping sheats or just running away, it caused trouble at every opportunity it got. A lot like Selene.

The dog gave her his extremely cute puppy eyes which made Selene forgive him immediately. She sighed before kneeling down to pet it.

"You really love troubling me, don't you?" She asked to the dog. The dog, named June, responded with a bark, licking her face. She sighed, knowing that it was of no use scolding the dog.

She let him go after a few more minutes of her just muttering stuff to him and him barking back at her.

After closing her door, she looked at her trunk. Everything was an absolute mess. Selene wondered how June even opened her trunk. She sighed and pulled her wand out of her pocket, and flickered it, muttering a spell. Immediately everything went back to where it was before June messed it up. She then turned and picked her broken walkman up, she flicked her want again, muttering 'repairo' and it was back to good as new. She kept it in her trunk and closed it.

After making sure she had her every book, her wand and her owl with her, she went down the stairs, dragging her trunk with her. She would have used magic but her parents did not want her to use it without anyone else with magic.

Her parents were excited but also scared when they found out that Selene was witch. But after her first year, when she told them everything about hogwarts and how much she loved magic, they relaxed a little bit. Even after four years, they were still a little paranoid of magic but they never let it show infront of Selene, knowing how much she loved magic.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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