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As the days passed Dev seemed to barely go with them, not being able to handle the loss of new feelings.

He started writing, he wrote little poems about how he felt. Kier and him never got to talk about their relationship, only left with feelings.

"You would think Euphoria, the feeling of pure joy and happiness could continue to thrive in the absence of something. Of someone. But sometimes, feelings don't adapt in distance."

"God I miss him." he sighed out, reading a letter Kier had sent him.

The two had only been separated for two weeks. Kier definitely more busy and only having sent one letter.

It was weird, the snow had fallen again this time only on Kier side, leaving him locked in with his family, he was ready to go. To get out yet, the snow blocked him in.

He loved the snow but, this was not the love he needed right now.

Dev saw the sun shine through the thick clouds. He sat on the windowsill in the shop and looked out the window staring down at the snow. "Oh" was all he thought, finally understanding why Kier stared at it.

The flaked were bright, nearly blinding him but, not enough to where he couldn't stare. He could see the difference in the colors of the flakes.

He really started to miss Kier.

He sighed, standing up and getting back to work, not able to get the smiles of Kier out of his head.

Another week passed, a month had gone by, and they seemed to be swelled.

More than one way,

Their hearts were the focus though. It was almost painful, they could feel the aches.

You know that feeling in your chest that you can't seem to relieve until it goes away by itself.

"God this is so annoying," They both commented at the same time.

The universe is hilarious.

Dev rubbed his chest, Kier punched it, both only feeling seconds of relief.

Kier went through his mail, smiling as he saw another letter from Dev, quickly reading it his happy mood seemed to die.

Only a couple of sentences, explaining how he couldn't keep waiting, how the pain of being away was doing more hurt than growing.

In reality Dev didn't know why he sent it, he didn't even realize he did until he couldn't find the piece of paper, quickly sending the other one the day after.

It might've been because of the pain, might've been the distance, but one thing he did know,

Euphoria didn't last long.

"God, are you okay?" He sat and asked his sister, the soft beeping of her monitor distracting him from the letter.

Her monitor had beeped faster which caused him to panic but it softened quick.

He held her hand to his forehead, he truly missed his sister and he didn't even know it.

He cried softly feeling all those ugly emotions at once, heartbreak being the strongest one.

"You've always been a crybaby," his sister said moving her hand to his cheek and slowly opening her eyes. "Maddie" he cried looking up at her.

She sat up smiling and held her arms out. "Well don't leave me hanging."

He stood up wiping a couple of his tears and hugged her, squeezing a little extra tightly. "You're an idiot," she said looking down and laughing.

"Now what do you mean by that," he said pulling away and staring at her, wiping his tears again.

"That Dev guy loves you, he's just hurt." She said grabbing his hand. "What, have you been hearing me?" He asked, a little embarrassed. "I could hear every word." She responded.

He covered his face, embarrassed by this, "Don't be embarrassed, it's very cute but," she stopped and stared off. "Nevermind." She said.

"Now go be with your boyfriend." She said, Kier laughed "Not my boyfriend," He said standing up. "Not yet anyways." She responded.

He walked out smiling,

Bumping into someone he stared at them, "Bubbo! What are you doing here!" Kier said hugging him. "Coming to see my girlfriend, she just texted me that she got out of a coma." He commented hugging back. They pulled away smiling.

"Oh! Well, my sister did today too!" he exclaimed happily. "What a coincidence!" Bubbo said, "I gotta go, it was good seeing you again." He waved. Kier waved also.

What a coincidence indeed.

Distant Euphoria Where stories live. Discover now