I currently shared a room with Sasha, Mikasa and Annie. Annie was mostly a good roommate because she kept to herself. She was the type that would one day end up serving the king. She was the perfect recruit, she was agile, smart, focused and best of all, completely full of herself. I suppose you had to be to stand a chance being eligible to serve the king. She wasn't one for joining in on conversations so she kept to her own in the bunk below me most of the day.

Mikasa was sat at the end of her bed on her back reading a book. The sounds of Sasha eating some food she had stolen from the kitchen filled the room. Annie wasn't in for the night just yet so it was just the three of us. Cold weather had set in so we didn't stay out as late as we usually did with the boys. I was bundled up under the covers feeling extra cold.

Tonight should have been my fathers birthday, I would always try and surprise him with a cake. The same bakery that Armin and I were heading towards the day Shiganshina fell sold the best sweet cakes around. It would be the one of few times a year I could feel any sort of emotion from my father. He was a man who was never pleased with anything so seeing his smirk when I brought him a cake home was a highlight of my year.

"Hey, are you deaf?" I heard and I felt a walnut hit the side of my head.

I sat up on my elbows and looked over to see Sasha eating from a bag full of them. Mikasa was also now sat up on the end of her bed looking to me expectantly.

"Sorry I wasn't paying attention." I said picking up the walnut and tossing back to her. Knowing her she'd just take it from my hands before I could eat it.

"Clearly, what happened with Eren and you today? You both just vanished after dinner." She asked me and I knew what she had been talking about.

Eren had pulled me aside, he had noticed something was wrong with me all day. I was painfully quiet during meals today, during training I was solely focused on myself. Usually Armin and I goof around in between tasks, but I was distant. Eren was always the first one to notice when I was acting off so he had stopped me on my way back to the cabin.

We talked for a little behind the supply hall about my father and some other things, but I was clearly still down in the dumps about it. I didn't spill much personal information at anyone, but Eren always watched my back, but I think he watched over all 3 of us more than we realized. Even Mikasa's who hardly spoke couldn't hide her moods from Eren.

"He was showing me some new equipment we got on yesterdays cart." I said simply.

"I thought that was a food cart?" Mikasa said clearly not taking the bait.

"Yeah it was." Sasha said and I knew Mikasa at least caught on to my lie.

"I don't know, he just found a bunch of boxes with new training equipment." I said shrugging as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed.

"If you guys were making out just say so." Sasha said and I felt my cheeks turn red out of sheer embarrassment because that was not how things were between us.

"No! Gross it's Eren." I spat feeling Mikasa's eyes on me.

She'd never admit it but she loved Eren maybe a little more than a sister should. I mean they weren't actually siblings, but they grew up like they were. She was infatuated with him and she wasn't as good as she thought at hiding it. I mean it made sense, they grew up together and he was a big brother to her. She felt safe with him, at least that's what I thought.

"We just were sneaking around in the training hall, to get a look at the new stuff. It's not like that." I said shaking my head.

"We'll you could have fooled us, you two act very weird together." Sasha said tossing another walnut into her mouth.

Thanatophobia |Levi Ackerman|Where stories live. Discover now