The Wendy's Incident

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This part was written by Morgan.

It was a crisp Japanese winter's day. The sun was singing, the birds were shining, and all was well. At least, until an earth-shattering scream rang through the air: "THEY FORGOT MY STRAWBERRY LEMONADE, BUBI!!!" For on this seemingly normal day, a certain demon and her servant were in the mood for some Wendy's, but unfortunately for them, the service... was subpar.

"Bubi, I want my drink." Ironmouse proclaimed, "But I am too socially awkward to ask them for it, can you please be a good servant and go ask them for me?" Ironmouse looked at Bubi with the most piercing puppy-dog eyes she could muster.

Bubi replied "Fuck off, get it yourself" whilst staring at some claw machines in a nearby arcade.

Ironmouse began to wail and cry like an absolute child, and people began to take notice of the scene taking place in front of them.

"Bubi, you know I'm fucking disabled. Are you telling me that you won't even help me get a drink? What if I choke on this baked potato and die, you insensitive bitch?" Ironmouse shook with genuine anger as she said this, making even Bubi being to feel bad for her. Little does he know, Mousey is simply a master at gaslighting, and couldn't care less about Con-...Bubi making fun of her. In fact, part of her may have even enjoyed it. She blushed at the thought of him teasing her...

Soon enough, Bubi had returned with her lemonade, and she began to sip on it with a huge grin on her face.

"Thank you so much, Bubi!" She sang, lemonade sloshing onto Bubi.

"Fuck off" Bubi muttered

"Now I can sink my teeth into this yummy baked potato!"

Mousey's enthusiasm seemed to fade almost immediately, however, as she turned toward Bubi with tears in her eyes.

"THEY FORGOT MY SOUR CREAM, BUBI! THEY DIDN'T GIVE ME ANY SOUR CREAM!" Ironmouse screamed into his face, spit flying into his eyes.

The monke simply stared into her piercing blue eyes. He was at a loss for words. Somehow, someway, he had fallen madly in love with this puny rat. Her screaming pierced not only his ears but also his heart. How could he not love the constant verbal abuse? She was his only friend, and besides the gaslighting, she genuinely cared for Bubi, and Bubi cared for her. He couldn't help but admire her. He was in love.

And so was she.

"Don't worry, Tungsten Rat." Bubi said calmly, "Let me go get you some sour cream."      

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