Part 1: Phantom Cream

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This chapter was written by Gede

"You can't do this to me!", Bubi exclaimed towards IronMoose in pure agony as his powers can be blatantly seen leaving his soul. Boob, devastated at the current predicament he has brought upon himself shouts, "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I SACRIFICED!!!".

SteelRat responds, "Hello? Hel-Hello? I wanted to record a message for you, to get you settled down on your first ni- ".

Breast immediately cuts off TungstenRodent, begging for mercy. "Please, chuck us a Senzu Bean why don't you?! Can't you see I'm in excruciating pain?!".

SteelMeese looks in utter confusion, "Titty, can't you see that you brought this upon yourself? You fucking idiot.".

Boob goes pale, realizing his pure fucking stupidity has gotten the better of him. "Please, spare me. I can't take anymore of this agonizing pain."

TitaniumCapybara gives Bubi a death glare. Bubi could feel her anger radiating from her flat-chested body. "THE FUCK YOU SAY TO ME YOU LITTLE SHIT!? ARE YOU MAKING FUN OF MY FUCKING DISORDER YOU DAFT CUN-".

Bubi hastily apologizes, realizing his wrong doings, he offers a proposal to the demon lord. "Listen here you little FUCK. If I become your servant, and guide you around this hellhole, will you please spare my life?".

Ratty thinks... "Lol k fucker, and because im such a meaty gigachad, you MUST follow every last order, no matter the consequence. If I tell you to jump off Hell's cliff, you do a fucking backflip, you hear me!?".

Bub feels the heat of her wrath and in pure cowardness, agrees to the offer. "Are you deadass? You realize I might just fucking tell you to microwave yourself right? Don't you think this offer is a bit premature?".

Bubi exclaims, "I DON'T FUCKING CARE OK, I JUST WANT MY POWERS BACK YOU FRIEZA LOOKIN' ASS BITCH. I will literally do ANYTHING to obtain my strength back."

Moose grins, "Anything you say, hmmmmm?". She pants harder and harder as she sweats harder than an obese child chasing an ice cream truck. She clenches her asscheeks and whispers, "Imma turn yo ass into a fucking bat, do anything wrong and ill step on you till your brains burst out like a confetti cannon.".

"Why do you look so... fucking horny?" Bobi asks, confused at the current situation. Muse reassures Bubba and orders him to follow her every move.

"I feel fucking awful, my body feels like its going to implode." *POOF*, Bubi turns into a cute, goofy, and elaborate looking ass bat. "MY BODY, THE FUCK HAPPENED TO IT. WHAT DID YOU DO, YOU SMEGMA FARMER." Bubi panics.

"Did you forget? You deaf fuck, I told you that you were gonna turn into a bat, if you were listening you senior citizen having ass.", Ironmoose informs Booba.

"Now, What am I gonna call you?" Mousr has a good hard think inside her glowing chrome dome.

"hmmm, I think ill call you, Infernal Beelzebub Anarchia Cruul de Apokalypsi, the Opposite of Divine, Prince of Suffering and Torment, Master of all Sin, Conqueror of the Underworld, and king of all Demonkind.".

"What the fuck did you just blurt out your goofy ass mouth hole? Infrontal Beelziboo- I almost bit my tongue tryna say that. JUST CALL ME BUBI YOU SMALL FUCK." Bubi shouts in disappointment of Mouse's poor naming skills.

"Fine, fuck. From here on out, you are 'Bubi'. This ain't no create-a-class, I ain't renaming you bitch, I don't have a neither an anvil nor nametag in my inventory." Moses the Mouse, sad that her epic cool and wacky name was rejected.

"The fuck you mean? My name was ALWAYS BUBI, You cant say "FrOm HeRe On OuT" when it WAS ALWAYS THAT." Bubi says confused once again at her pure stupidity.

"Say another word and I will have your tongue, Titty Milk." Bubi apologizes, worried he will lose his new vessel, and lose the opportunity to reclaim his immense power.

"LET'S GO BOOBA!" Mouse points at fucking nothing, "OVER THERE!!! :D".

"What are you pointing at? There's literally nothing in that general direction.". Bubi informs Mousey in utter disappointment.


And that is but the start of the wacky adventures of Bubi and IronMoose. 

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