Ch 2. Saving the damsel

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I've been out on the streets for what felt like hours and I've got to say no wonder this place is nicknamed 'The city that never sleeps' but anyways I've already linked with Logan and I was just about to go and find a cafe until something unexpected happened.

A woman runs straight across the busy road and into an alleyway with some glowing container. Then I'm filled with shock as men in what looks to be ninja outfits run in the same direction the woman went.

'Well looks like I get to crash some skulls and it's only the first night here, yes!' I then run over to the alley and started to follow them all.

After a while I finally catch up and stay hidden by staying in the shadows as I see them circle the woman.

"Look guys you don't want to do this again right, it doesn't usually work out well for you guys." She says like she's done this before as the ninjas close more around her.

"You know I have ninjas..." She says trying to back away from them but couldn't. *Why would her friends be green?* I think but I zone back in as one of the guys start talking

"Give us the ooze." He say as him and the rest of the ninjas take out there weapons, so I decided to finally make myself know because watching was starting to get boring

"Well if this isn't a costume party, then I am severely underdressed." I say with a mischievous smile as I step out of the shadows and look at all of them. "Hey kid, get out of here this is no place to play around." The woman says as if she is not the one in danger.

I then sensed a new present behind me so I stepped to the left as something was about to hit me in the head but instead of me it hit one of the ninjas in the head and dropped to the ground.

I look behind me to see a guy in hockey gear. "Dude, don't go for me. I'm trying to help her." I yelled at him but I guess I shouldn't have turned my back on the ninjas because one of them decided to 'try' and strike me.

But I transform into my lioness form and whip out my adamantium claws out and slash the ninja across the face all in one swift movement. "Holy shit." I hear the hockey man whisper behind me.

I get in my fighting stance as the ninjas start coming at me

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I get in my fighting stance as the ninjas start coming at me. "Hey masked dude if you're not going to help me out then get lost!" I yell over my shoulder as I fight them left and right.

5 Minutes Later

After the ninjas were all done with. I go back to my human form and walk over to the woman and the hockey man comes over and he finally decided to take the mask off.

"Now was that about 'Kid this is no place to play.'" I say with air quotes as I stand in front of the man and woman.

"Oh, umm sorry about that, I just didn't know uh you could do that." She said all awkward which was a little funny. "Okay hold up, What the hell are you!" The man say but all I do is give him a blank stare and I was about to answer with a rude comment back

When I suddenly felt another object heading towards me so I duck down a little and the next second a sai is lodged in the metal pole between the man and woman

And from the looks of both the man and woman I don't know how to feel as I hear four people jump down from behind me

So, I slowly turn around anyway, and come face to face with turtles?

And it was at that moment Mia didn't know how much more adventurous her life would get with a little romance.

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 15 ⏰

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