Chapter 6:The Wizard And The Healer

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Back at Sebastian's house...

"There. You should be good to go now.", Sebastian said, gently placing the last bandage on my face. "Hey. Sam's actually supposed to be here any minute if you want to hang out with us for a while. I mean, it's raining really hard out, so you shouldn't have any farm work to do today right? Especially since you're all beat up like this...".

I nodded, half listening. Sebastian just spent half an hour taking care of me and patching me up. Why was he doing that for me? I didn't deserve this...

All of the sudden, there was a knock on the door and Sebastian ran to go open it.

"Hey, Sebastian! Hey, Y/N! Holy crap! What happened!?", Sam asked.

"Don't worry. I'm fine. I just got a little bit beat up in the mines, but Sebastian took care of it.", I replied.

Sam smirked, looking over at Sebastian as his face turned red.

"Hey, Y/N! You should play some Solarion Chronicles with us! It would be better with 3 players anyway!", he exclaimed, quickly grabbing a messy stack of cards off of his desk.

Sebastian took the cards, setting them down on a smaller table where we all sat down.

"Okay. Let me draw the scenario card...". Sebastian picked back up the cards, taking one out of the stack. "Hmmm...So, I guess that todays quest will be to go into The Necromancer's Tower and take back The Solarion Staff from Dread Lord Xarth.".

"Cool. Y/N, are you reader to pick your character?", Sam asked. "You can pick the warrior, wizard, or healer.".

"Hmmm...healer.", I finally decided.

"Healer, huh? That's a very important role, Y/N. I'll be the wizard then.", Sebastian said, taking another card from the stack.

"Sweet! The warrior's my favorite character!", Sam exclaimed.

"Let's start then.". Sebastian handed a card to everyone, looking at the one that he picked up. "The king has entrusted you and your companions with recovering The Solarion Staff, a task which if completed successfully, will ensure your place in The Hall of Legends as well as a size able fortune of gold and silver. So, after a long month of journeying across the unforgiving lands, you step out onto a precipice to see your destination, looming in the distance. There, beyond a moon lit plain, lies The Necromancer's Tower where Dread Lord Xarth usurps the power of the stolen Solarion Staff for his vile purposes.". He went on. "The tower lies in front of you. Y/N, what should we do? Should we go in the front door or look for a back entrance?".

"Hmmm...Let's look for a back entrance. We should try to stay hidden.", I said.

"After searching around the base of the tower, you discover a trap door, hidden in the brush. Beneath is a ladder, which your party descends.", Sebastian said, reading another card. "You find yourself in a sewer like corridor. To your left, a hall way glows with a peculiar green light. To your right, a stair case leads up into the dark. Where do we go, Y/N?".

"Let's go up the stairs.", I said.

Sebastian took another card from the stack, reading it again. "You've come to a door at the end of the hall way. The time has come to face Dread Lord Xarth.".

"Already!?", Sam asked. "Y/N, we should've went down the first hall way!".

"Ssshhh! Be quiet, Sam! I think that she was right by going up the stairs.". Sebastian went back to his card. "'Intruders!? How dare you tresspass in my private chambers!? Ah. So, you've come for The Solarion Staff. Hehehe! Fools! You'll make a nice addition to my skeleton army!'. Dread Lord Xarth casts a shadow beam. You were able to dodge the spell, but your companions are gravely injured! What do you do, Y/N? Heal the Sam, the warrior or me, the wizard?".

I looked at Sam, knowing that if I picked Sebastian, he would feel bad.

"The wizard...", I replied, ashamed that I chose him over Sam.

But it's just a game, right? Sam shouldn't feel too bad that I picked Sebastian. Besides, he basically saved my life, so why shouldn't I return the favor?

"Thanks, Y/N.", Sebastian said. Sam just sat there in silence.

"I cast 'Pure Bolt'. A beam of white light hits Xarth square in the face. The Dread Lord shrieks and crumbles into dust. You pick up The Solarion Staff and hold it high. Order has been restored to the world!". Sebastian put down the card and smiled at me. "Hey! Not bad, Y/N! It took me like, 3 or 4 times to beat my first scenario.".

"Yeah! You did awesome, Y/N!", Sam said, putting down his cards as well.

"Thanks, guys...and sorry, Sam...", I apologized with a nervous laugh.

Sam tilted his head and smiled with Sebastian. "Haha. It's alright.".

I smiled too.

"Hey. I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back, guys.". Sam stood up, leaving the room as Sebastian and I stood there alone.

Sebastian and I stood up as well and he put the stack of cards back on his desk.

"H-Hey. Y/N?", he asked, turning around towards me.

"Yeah?", I replied.

"W-Well, there's this tradition that Lewis does every year in the spring called The Flower Dance that everyone comes to. He'll probably send a letter to you about it soon, but do you want to be my dance partner for it?", Sebastian asked. "If you don't want to, that's okay. I can dance with Abby instead.".

A dance that everyone comes to? Dancing in front of everyone would be humiliating. But if I didn't dance with Sebastian, Abby would. And besides, it would be Sebastian who I would be dancing with.

"Of course I'll be your dance partner, Sebastian.", I replied with a smile.

Sebastian stared at me for a second before smiling back. "Cool.", he said. "But Lewis makes us all wear these stupid blue suits, so try not to laugh at me while we're dancing, okay? Also, make sure that you wear a dress.".

I giggled. "I'm sure that you'll look great."."

Sebastian X Reader (a Stardew Valley fan fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora