Derek stood by a car beside Spencer as they were waiting for their girls

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Derek stood by a car beside Spencer as they were waiting for their girls. Jemma was the first to walk out with her bag and kissed Spencer on the cheek. He smiled at her before putting her bag in the back and turned to her. "Where's Daisy?" Spencer asks and Derek replied with a shrug, "I don't know." As soon as he said that they heard a thud and turned to look. They see Daisy hauling two big suitcases their way and Derek chuckled at her. She sent him a glare as she brought them over, only for him to pick both of them up and put them in the trunk. "Ready?" Derek asks and Daisy nodded as he closed the trunk and she got in the car. Spencer opened the door for Jemma and let her in before getting in himself. They all said goodbye before leaving and then they were off.

Two Teams in One

Everyone else was in the base relaxing until they decided to do things. Aaron was laying on Melinda's lap, and she was running her fingers through his hair gently. Phil and David were talking about the stuff Phil collects and the books David made. The ladies were getting prepared to go shopping for the day, and knew that they will have to get Melinda soon. "May, you going to come shopping with us?" Yoyo asks making the woman sigh as Aaron sat up from her lap to let her up. She got up and put her jacket on, as Aaron stood up and looked at her. She looked at him as he wrapped an arm around her waist. He pulled her to him making her look into his eyes. He leaned down and kissed her, making her smile brightly at him. "Be careful!" Aaron tells her. "I'm always careful." Melinda replied with a fake innocent smile and he remarked back, "You're also stubborn." Melinda smirked and kissed him this time, as the others watched in happiness at the couple. They pulled apart and she walked over to the girls so they can leave. Penelope forced a hug onto her making her tense up, but when the excited woman made no gesture that she was letting go, she sighed and gave into the hug. She pat her back three times and Penelope let go of her and gave her a smile. "Let's go!" Penelope cheers as the five women left the base and headed to a car that they were going to use for the journey. When they left, the men all just chilled around and watched the two boys. JJ drove and found a parking lot to park the car so they can walk around. She parked and they all got out. Emily looked at all of them, "I think we should divide." Yoyo looked at her confused as their wasn't an even amount, "How is that gonna work? There's five of us!" Penelope held her hands up, "I'm fine shopping by myself! It's quite obvious that I have a unique fashion sense compared to you four! Ta ta!" Penelope walked away getting ready to start her shopping leaving the four there. Melinda and Yoyo were confused about the girl because they knew she was different but she was right. She does dress differently then the rest of them, and that's what makes her different and unique compared to them. "Anyway, May and I will go together and Yoyo and JJ go together. Does that work?" Emily suggested making JJ smile at Yoyo, who had a smirk, and Melinda just nodded her head. Emily smiled at the idea of her plan working before they began to walk around. Emily lead Melinda into a clothing store and they began looking around. Emily was looking at dresses for the next time they go to a club, as Melinda looked at shirts as she maybe wanted to change her style soon. She's always worn her combat suit, exercise outfit, or her leather jackets with a all black or navy blue outfit and she thinks she needs a change. Emily noticed the woman's focus on a few shirts and walked over after taking a dress. She looked at the shirts and realized that they weren't black or navy blue which made her confused. "What's wrong?" Emily asked as Melinda looked at her and sighed as she wasn't used to shopping. "I'm not sure if I should get one of these or not." Melinda tells her and Emily was shocked because she wasn't looking for dark colored clothing but some bright colors. She was looking at a teal, red, or a white shirt and it was kind of a thing that made Emily think. "Get all three of them." Emily tells her making Melinda look at her confused, "Really?" Emily nodded and began to tell her what she can do, "Yeah. We can match them with a pair of black pants in your closet and we can see everyone's reactions to your new look. Sound like a plan?" Melinda wanted to finally start changing her look in a way. She enjoyed wearing her black or navy blue outfits, but she wanted to make a change and maybe stay with it. "Yeah, let's do it." Melinda tells her as Emily smiled at her and grabbed all three then looked around the shop and saw jewelry close by. She grabbed Melinda's sleeve and dragged her over towards it to take a look. "Also these outfits will look great with jewelry." Emily tells her, even though Melinda wasn't one for jewelry, but thought to give it a chance. She began to look at the jewelry they had and one caught her eye. It was a teal gem with a silver cage around it. Emily looked at where Melinda was looking and she was entranced by it too. She knew it would look great on Melinda and that it could be a big help with her style change as well. Emily gently grabbed it from the stand and held it in her hand along with her dress and Melinda took the shirts. "I'm going to look for more clothes, are you done?" Emily asks the woman and Melinda nodded then looked at her curiously, "Is this really what you girls do when you have time off?" Emily nodded, "I mean, yeah. There's usually a sale and we like to shop." Melinda nodded and the both of them began to look again. They finally finished shopping there and after they paid, they began to walk down the sidewalk. "So, what made you want to change your style? I liked it the way it was." Emily asks and Melinda began to explain, "I just wanted a change. I always wear the same colors and never bothered to try. Besides it might give Aaron the motivation to try it as well." Emily looked at her with a hopeful expression, "I think it will and hope it works because he wears nothing but suits." Emily laughed and it made Melinda laugh a little at the fact that he does. Melinda then thought of something and looked at her with a curious look, "I need your help with something."

Two teams in One/ CM&AOS crossover fanficWhere stories live. Discover now