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Unwanted Guest

Lena's POV

WOW! My first POV! Hey y'all! I'm Lena! Simona's wife. Anyways, right now, I'm up packing up everything Cassie might need for the rest of our stay. She's about the get discharged in a few hours. So I'm gonna get her up and ready.

Lena: "Cassandra... come on love. You gotta wake up.

Cassandra: "M-Ma? You came?"

Lena: "I'm sorry Cassandra. You're moms not here yet. It's just me. Lena."

Cassandra: "O-Oh. I'm sorry Lena. Good Morning."

Lena: "Good Morning doll. Have are you feeling."

Cassandra: "Like shit and I feel like I have to again. Hopefully this is the last time because I can't take this anymore."

Lena: "*laughs* I understand. Believe me, I do. But, I'm gonna need you to use the bathroom, and then we're gonna get you in the shower so we can get you dressed okay?"

Cassandra:  Sure. I wanna thank you and Mona. Y'all didn't have to stay.

Lena: Yes we did. Besides, I'm your sister now. You said it yourself, sis.

We share a laugh before I help her out of the bed and into the bathroom. While she's using the bathroom, I pick up her sheets and change them. Laying down the fresh ones her nurse just dropped off. We place a few pads on the bed as well incase she has and accident. It's always better to be safe than sorry. Simona remained asleep until the three of us finished helping Cassie, take a bath. She walked out of the bathroom looking and even feeling better.

I handed her some lotion so she could moisturize her skin for the time being. She lathered up, and asked for me to hand her some panties. I slid her a black pair of boy-shorts before handing her some yoga pants and a fitted tshirt. We weren't gonna force her into a bra, because what's the point.

Cassie asked if she could eat some breakfast, so her nurse ordered her some pancakes and bacon with some orange juice and water.

Simona had finally woken up. And was glad to see Cassie up and smiling. She kissed me and then hugged Cassie. We sat around, watching Deal Or No Deal until her doctor and morning nurse came in.

Dr.Joel: Good Morning ladies. I'm Dr. Franklin Joel, and this is Nurse Brown. According to this chart, your BP is normal and you've been doing well with the flush. We gonna do an ultra sound to make sure that everything is out of your belly, then you'll be good to go. Any questions?

Simona: Uh! I don't know about them, but can she drink?

Cassandra: SIMONA! I am so so so sorry Dr.-

Dr.Joel: Joel

Cassandra: Right! But that was so out of line! I ap-

Dr.Joel: No need to apologize. I understand where your friend is coming from. And to answer your question, yes. She can drink. But not too much. We need those antibiotics to finish working their way into your system. If that's all, nurse B here will be back with the ultrasound machine. I'll be back with her. I just need to get your discharge papers ready. We'll be back!

Simona, Lena, and Cassandra: "Okay! Thank you!"

When they walked out, I pinched Simona's right arm. She's always talking out of line. But I love her for it though.

Lena: Mo... why did you ask that man that question baby?

Simona: "Baby... Tonight is the mixer. Theee greek mixer. I know y'all ain't forgot did y'all..."

Cassandra: "I mean... I AM in a hospital bed Mona. Im gonna stay at the hotel while y'all go out-

???: WHERE IS SHE? HUH? Where's my wife?!?!

UH OH....

Cassandra's POV

I know this negro is not showing his naturally black ass in this hospital. Not only is he a day too late, but he's showing his ass. HIM! Of all people! God give me the strength...

Malcolm: "Ayye man! Get the hell off me! I just wanna see my wife! Where is she?"

Nurse Brown: "Get him Tank!"

Dr. Joel: "Hey! Hold on T... Look here, you either calm down-"

Malcolm: "Yo! Dr.Fuckface... where's my wife?"

Dr.Joel: "Look man. Calm down, as act like you have some sense brotha. From one Alpha Man to another. Stop showing you ass in your letters. You either calm down and wait, or keep it up. Because Tank here loves delinquents like yourself."

It quieted down in the hall. So I'm assuming he left. But, as soon as Lena was helping me put on some ankle socks, a knock adorned my door.

Malcolm came in with balloons and a huge teddy bear saying "Get Well Soon". Allan trailed behind him with a basket full of snacks. I rolled my eyes before speaking.

Cassandra: "Why are you here?"

I could tell that he wasn't expecting me to say that, but Cassandra was pronounced dead yesterday. Everyone say hello to Cassie.

Malcolm: "Baby... what do you mean? I'm here cause I woke up to a message about you being sick- and I love you. How are you? You umm- you okay?"

Cassie: "Yea. I'm straight. You?"

Malcolm: "I'm good baby. I'm glad you're okay. I had a feeeling something was off when I woke up and you weren't beside me."

Cassie: "Malcolm. We haven't woken up together in 5 years. The morning we woke up to get here doesn't count. Just to let you know..."

He stands there stunned. Trying to talk it all in. But I'm tired. And it's time I let go. For good this time.

Cassie: "Malcolm. I think it's time we separate. I'm sick of you lying to me. Only to go lay up under Allan. But then again, Allan?"

Allan: "Yes precious?"

Simona: "Precious? Nigga I'll-"

Cassie: "Don't! Don't worry Mona! Allan... you know he has a fiancé. Her name is Tara. She's currently 31 weeks pregnant. She had Twins when we first got married and she's having a girl now. And guess what he's trying to name the little girl... Cassandra.... Isn't it odd. That you HATE me so much! Yet, you're trying to name your children after me. Sickening! Anyways, enjoy being shared once more. Because you'll always be sloppy seconds. Security...."

Allan looks at me before chucking the basket towards my bed. He misses my head, which makes it hit the wall and fall down into the trash can. I sit on my bed quietly as security roughly escorts Malcolm and Allan. My mom never liked Malcolm anyway. I'm glad that I didn't waste another 5 years with his vile ass.

Tonight calls for a celebration in deed. To the mixer I shall go!

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