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She's Gonna Be Okay

Yoshon's POV

I don't know what the hell is going on. But I think it's about time we pack up and leave. How come everyone else had normal spaghetti on their plates and Cassie's had worms and shit all in hers. That shit was trifling and sick.

We didn't want to, but we had to take her to a hospital nearby. They had pumped her stomach unfortunately because there was no telling how many creatures she had actually swallowed. I couldn't stay back there and watch them pump her stomach because it brought back too many bad memories for me.

Cassie's mom had already been called so I walked out. The girls stayed back as Abe and I waited in a near by waiting room. I found him sitting in a corner near the back waiting room, waiting for me to report back.

Abel: How umm... How is she man? That shit- That shit was so... so... I can't even get it out man. You should've seen how scared Dominique was. I don't ever wanna see my woman like that again man... I just....

Abel broke down and I couldn't help but to shed a few tears myself. That incident had all of us shaken up, and for what? Some shit that happened a long time ago. I understand, but was it really worth it. Hurting Cassie and putting her in the hospital? Couldn't have been.

Abe and I were bro hugging before Val ran in to get us. We walked to the elevator so we could get to what I'm gonna assume was Cassie's room. Val knocked and Lena opened the door for us. Cassie was awake, but she looked highly drugged. She tried sitting up, but Val and Dominique made her sit back. She smiled when we were in the room fully.

Cassandra: "Heyyyyyyyyyy my brothers. I love y'all so much. *giggles* Y'all saved me. Y'all and my sisters... you my sister now too Le- Le-"

Simona: "*whispers* Lena"

Cassandra: "Lena. Mmmhhmmm. You my sister now too....."

We all laugh briefly because this could've been worse. But that's our Cass. Making us smile when we should be sad. She played in Valerie's hair while Lena was trying to find something for us to watch. Switching through the channels, she stopped on the Wiz. Abe and I sat beside each other on the hospitals couch while the girls crowed around Cass. When we were getting close to Michael's "You Can't Win", Cass had absentmindedly blurted "Where's Malcolm".

The room was dead silent, and no one knew how to answer that question, because where WAS Malcolm. His wife just had her stomach pumped, and he was nowhere to be found. To ease her mind, I stepped out so I could call him. She thanked me before the door was shut.

*Phone Rings*

Hi. You've reached Malcolm! I'm sorry that I was unable to come to the phone. Please leave your name, number, and a message please. I'll get back to you at my earliest convenience. And if this is Cassie, I'll call you back as soon as I can baby.

Yoshon: "Yo Malcolm, this is Shon. Call me back, you wife is in the hospital. Hopefully you'll get here before she's discharged."

I sigh harshly and fix my face before heading back in. Cassie's asleep now, so I don't have to tell her that he didn't answer. But I do have to tell the rest of them.

Simona: "He on the way, or do I have to sign her discharge papers?"

Yoshon: "Sorry sis. But he's not answering, meaning he's probably not on the way. He didn't even try to answer. But if he's not here, I have a few ideas of where he could be. And y'all already know what I'm thinking."

Valerie looks up at a sleeping Cassie before sitting up.

Valerie: Well. It's like 1:30. So they're gonna discharge her later on today, so the flush can work. Who's gonna stay with-

Lena: "I'll stay. I mean, I am a nurse. So... I'll stay."

Simona: "And I'll stay with you."

Lena: "Awweee. Babe. You don't have to I promise. We've really only got like 8 more hours until discharge. I'll be-"

Simona: "With you to help incase it gets to be a little rough. Let me help baby."

Lena: "Okay. You can help. Just go with them and grab my kit and my duffle bag. She broke a few nails, and toe nails too. I wanna fix em before she wakes."

Everyone loads up except for Lena. She and Simona kissed before we head to the hospitals exit.

Since we really didn't eat anything, we stopped by McDonald's and got some breakfast. Simona didn't get anything because she wanted her and Lenas food to be as fresh as possible.

Arriving back at the hotel, we parked, then walked to the garages elevator. Simona got off first and ran to the room to grab something for her, Lena, and Cassie. Within 20 minutes, she was headed back to the Hospital.

Dominique and Abel, hugged and kissed us before returning to their separate room. As for my wife and I, we bathed together in the suites jacuzzi to get our minds off of today. It could've been worse, but we thank god that it wasn't.

Cassandra's room

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Cassandra's room

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