New Friend

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One Month Later

I jogged around the park 5 times daily and meet nanon at third round, he started jogging with me, then we will sit and talk random, never talk our personal lives. Its really difficult to act to your crush that you're thinking him as a platonic friend, nothing else just friend. God. While we are talking one fine day he asked "how is your parents?", i said "they're good thank you" and he asked me "what're you studying?", i said "I am in final year of school", he smiled and said the "I am one year older than you, address me phi nanon", so cute, i said " no never one year doesn't make a much different, you're always my nanon", he said "what  ?   ..... come again" i said "you are shorter and smaller than me, i may call you nong if you want", we argue and he started chasing me to smack my head and i ran, we laughed and it was so much fun. atleast i divert my nanon for time being. Next day I asked him, "why didn't you try for scholarships?", he said, "It was really hard to live my life alone without parents till my final year of school and i really dont know what to do in my future  and dont have anyone to guide me and dont have any friends too, at the time max came and we were in relationship.I must thanks max for showing his love and bring me here but i don't feel his home as mine. In corner of my heart, I felt i am depending too much on him and don't know what may  happen in future and also bar tending job is not a permanent job. But now I feel I should have continue my studies somehow, by applying for scholarships or help from others to get both financial and academical help. Study Courses are more expensive here in Germany and I can't study here but i can't depend on max too much, Really I am confused now". I asked "which course you want to study, do you have any idea?", he said "Eventhough I am poor and dont have a single room  for rent but I  dream to built more houses, i want to study architecture and please don't mock at me ohm i know beggars are not choosers but its not bad to have a dream eventhough it may not be fulfilled" his tears roll in his cheeks and he close his eyes and was crying like a baby, i hugged him and pat his back and rock him and said "don't cry nanon your dreams will come true one day, i will see architect nanon one day, stop crying, dont loose hope in life,we will find a solution but you had a break in studies for 6 months already, I will discuss with my mom and ask for a solution. If you a want a permanent job i can arrange  it for you in my stepdads company, you decide yourself whether you want to study in Thailand or working here and live with max here in Germany, what do you really want, you want to follow your dreams or your love?", he stare me for a long time and said "I am still confused and don't know what I really want please give me sometime I will decide and say to you".  "okay nanon no problem, think deeply you are only 18 and you must think about your future now, in the meantime I will discuss with my mom and inform you later", i grab his hands and hugged him and hold his cheek with my hands and said "don't lose your hope, I will be with you always erm  hmm as a  friend, talk to me if you feel down we will discuss and dont overthink and don't do something in haste okay", he nod his head, i said smile and he smiled with tears and i said "see its not difficult". we heard max voice from behind, "may i know whats happening here" and we seperated guiltily and nanon  said "nothing love" and pecked in max lips,  without my knowledge i am jealous of max, he is really a lucky guy, he stare at me and said "if you said so" to nanon and kiss his forehead. If stare kills i maybe dead by  now.

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