His face was wet and so was his hair. I wasn't able to tell if it was sweat or water.

She pulls him up to his feet. Holding onto his hair with his wrist secured in her grip behind his back. 

"P..please.. I didn't do anything.." he pants out. Or more like whimpers. I scrunch up my nose at how pathetic he was, "please... spare me.. I d..don't want to die" who knew this village had a chicken for a prince.

"Oh... we know you didn't do anything.  We only want you to deliver a little message for us" Meiko sensei whispers into his ear. Tugging his hair back and I could tell she was smirking under her mask.

"Yes... I'll do it.. I'll... I'll do anything!"

"Good.. sweetheart, if you please" her brown eyes look up at me. And I bite my lip in excitement, cracking my knuckles.

His grey eyes widen, "wh..what are you-" I give him a hard punch in the face. A very hard one because he passes out instantly. That's for your men hurting Nero.

"Wow" she breathes out, letting go of the prince's limp body and He slumps to the ground. Bloody drool leaking from his mouth with his butt facing up. An ugly sight might I add.

"You have a good arm" she comments and I couldn't help but feel proud. Len never compliments me.

"Len Kagamine was right when he said you were his best student" she says and my eyes widen.

Say what now?

Before I can ask, Kirito walks in, "someone is coming this way" he whispers. His sensei nods his way, bringing out the note Len gave her and pulls down her mask. Both of us stare at her in confusion as she spits onto it. And I hold in a laugh when she slaps it on the prince's forehead.

We hear rushed foot steps approaching the room and quickly make our way through the large doors which lead to the balcony. Soon enough, we were on the dark parts of the palace roof again. The guards unable to see us.

Meiko stands up, her hands on her hips as she stared at the guards scattered below.

"Good job students " she glances at us. Giving us a thumbs up "mission accomplished!".


-Three days later-

I walk down the corridor towards the prince Nero's room. Playing with my sleeves.

There were guards standing by his door and luckily, they knew i was his "story teller".

Yes... the great big job the prince had assigned for me was to read him stories anytime he wanted. Charming.

They give me a polite smile and I return it, knocking on the door once I get there. Neru opens the door and she raises a brow at me.


"Um.. hi" she stares at me.

"What are you doing here?" She asks and I begin to get nervous. Not wanting to piss her off.

Because then I would get pissed off.

And I didn't trust my mouth not to say very inappropriate things to her.

"I came to see your brother... you know... I'm-"

"Onichan! It's that blue haired girl again!" She yells cutting me off. He says something back to her and she looks back at me. Opening the door further.

I walk in, giving her a smile and she looks away. Totally disinterested.

OK then.

"Miku-chan " Nero croaks with a bright smile. The bandage on his forehead now off... or maybe it's because his long hair wasn't tied in a bun like usual and it fell messily around his face. Probably covering the bandage.

How to love a dragon (Len x Miku) Where stories live. Discover now