▪︎Argument in Mistralton▪︎

Start from the beginning

Although when she slammed into someone she finally came back to earth.
"Ow- Malerie?"


In fact there were three people around her. Skyla, Juniper's father and the aforementioned brunette.

"Hey are you okay... you look like you've been crying...?" Hilda mumbled, holding her hand out for the blonde. Crying? Really? She held a hand up to her face... yeah it was wet with tears... her eyes were probably puffy as well. Malerie took her hand and slowly stood up.

"I'm fine... sorry for running into you..."

"Are you sure?" Skyla asked, walking up to her placing her hands on her shoulders, "You say one thing but your eyes say something else..." Hilda stared at her for a moment, "Was it you and N...?

Malerie didn't respond, she just moved Skyla's hands from her shoulders muttered a quiet, "I fine, the began walking away." When she was out of sight she began running again, untill she made it near the Celestial Tower.

She realized she could keep anymore tears back as she slunk against a tree and let them flow.


"I don't know..." she croaked, "I... I really don't know why-" She paused, looking at Audino, "I'm so stupid," she sobbed. "I can't believe I said that to him, how awful of a person do I have to be to do that?!" She ran a hand through her hair and sniffled and she tried to stop crying enough to make a comprehensive sentence. Audino rubbed a hand on her back as she cried, doing her best to comfort the girl as she continued sobbing into her legs.

"Arceus... this is all my fault..." she sobbed quietly, Audino quickly piped up 'Audino!'

Malerie snapped her gaze to her pokemon tears still flowing down her face "I know... but I-" Audino gave her a concerned look, of course she overheard the entire argument, and she knew what happened.

"Malerie stayed quiet for a moment, "Crying won't fix anything... will it?" she mumbled, wiping her eyes as she let out a shakey breath as she did her best to gain her composure.

"We both kind of set each other off... I shouldn't have yelled at him."
She sat in that spot for a few more minutes before standing up. She looked up to the Celestial Tower, wondering if she should go inside and explore a little... but something inside her told her not to... she would love to go in there with him.

"Let's go back Audino... I need to apologize." She said quietly.

She began a slow trek back to the pokemon center. When she entered she met up with Hilda again. She didn't tell her the full truth, but she could tell Hilda saw right through her. So she decided to leave the conversation and walk back to the room she rented.
She genuinely had no clue what she was going to say to him, but she at least knew an apology from both of them was due.

She opened the door slowly, letting Audino walk in first.

The first thing she noticed was that the rest of her pokemon team was out, with N sitting in the middle of them on the bed opposite to her, they looked like they were talking with him. She noticed N look up at her, "Malerie..." He said quietly

Her gaze snapped to him and she took in a quick breath, trying to choose her words carefully.
While he slowly stood up, and approached her Malerie stood still and looked him in the eye. "N I'm sorry... really."

"I know... you're pokemon told me how you act when you lie." All the words Malerie had planned on saying went out the window.

"I shouldn't have yelled at you..." she mumbled, "I was to angry to think straight, and words just came out..." she slowly reached her hand out to grab his, this time he didn't pull away. "I promise you with all my heart I really love you..."

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