Fast Forward

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Fast forward to today. Putin has killed many civilians in many cities in Ukraine. Even kids! Dymtrus sat in his bunker thinking about Daniela. He was waiting for the war to end but didn't realize the world was on the break of world war. Dymtrus didn't want to be a soldier anymore. He wanted to be a family man now. "The video games tricked me," he thought. Dymtrus had to stay. He enlisted, it was the duty for Ukraine. Dymtrus would think, "I must defend my country upon death." It was a constant mental battle between escaping and fighting the war. He would always choose to fight. The bombs began to pour in, it was time to fight. Dymtrus stood up from his cot and put his uniform on. He grabbed his AK47 and walked upstairs."How are you doing Dymtrus?""I am doing good Sir!""The Russians have increased their bombing. We have to fight more be ready.""Yes, sir. I am ready to defend my country.""Alright. In ten minutes, we are going out to fight.""Yes, Sir!" Dymtrus said to the squadron leader. Dymtrus went downstairs to listen to some music. To focus on the war and the battle he will fight.

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