Xie Yun

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‘Im fucked, Im fucked, Im fucked

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‘Im fucked, Im fucked, Im fucked.’ Xie Yun thought while running through the streets of Luoyang, being chased by some young master’s guards. ‘ I should have never got involved’, thought Xie Yun. ‘No, I had to. Lord knows what would have happened if I wasn't there to stop him

Earlier that day

Xie Yun tossed up the new wallet he stole as he walked through the doors of a restaurant. He found a seat near the back and a waiter soon followed, “What can I get for you, sir?” asked the waiter. “ Ah, I’ll have two jars of Emperor’s Smile. “ Xie Yun replied. The waiter chuckled “ Young man Emperor's smile is very strong. It’d be a miracle if you made it past two cups”. The man warned

Xie Yun scoffed “I'm pretty sure I could outdrink this whole bar. But thanks for the warning I guess” Xie Yun reached into the wallet, pulled out some money, and tossed it on the table “Keep the change” The waiter snatched up the money as quick as lightning. “ Thank you, sir! I’ll be back with your liquor right away!” The waiter rushed off to the back to get his order.

Xie Yun stared out the window as he waited for his order. Emperor's smile was extremely expensive, In fact, it was so expensive that the last time he had it it was when he turned 18, about two years ago. It was on the house because it was his birthday and he was now of age to drink.

But he was lucky that he had stumbled upon such a wealthy man, who seemed to keep his whole life savings in his wallet by the amount because now he was able to buy the delicious liquor and still have a lot left over. Maybe he could buy something for his brother with the leftover money.

As he was thinking about what to get him the waiter came over and gave him his liquor. He stood up to leave when he heard a girl scream. “Get off! NO! Help!”
“Shut up and stop squirming, you know you want it.”.

Xie Yun looked over to find a Young girl being harassed by an old, greasy man who looked like he was in his mid-forties. Everybody was looking at the scene but was too scared to act because of the guards all around him.

Said guards were standing off to the side all wearing serious faces seemingly not caring about what was happening to the girl, but there was one who looked as if he was about to say something but was too scared to do so. That was fine, Xie Yun will do it for him.

He walked over and tapped the guy on the shoulder. “What!” he spat out, obviously upset at being interrupted.

“Sir, calm down, no need to make a scene, I just wanna help.” Xie Yun said while giving a small smirk. The old pig let go of the girl, interested in what Xie Yun had to say,

“Oh yeah? How do you plan on doing that” Xie Yun's smirk got wider. “ Listen here an esteemed man such as yourself shouldn’t be raising your voice and making a scene like this, especially over a girl as mediocre as her.”

The emperor and his mischievous boyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt