First Morning

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Bruno had cried himself to sleep. He had listened to the man's words and decided to not leave the room at all. He would fear on what they could do to him. They had no fear taking him away from his own home, and now here he is. He knew that he had to make it back to his family.

He needed answers right away. Why did they take him? Who are they? Why are the Kim's taking him? What were their intentions?

Bruno could hear some shuffling in the room and slowly tried his best to open his puffy red eyes. It was the masked man again. He was sitting on his office chair and analyzing a book. He licked his finger and flipped onto the next page while sat up. There was a delicious scent within the air. Bruno sniffed it out and looked over to his right to see a tray of food.

"You can eat it. It must be warm by now." the man said, putting his book down and facing his attention towards Bruno. Bruno inspected the food as the man got up and walked over towards him. Bruno started to shake and was worried he'd get hit by the big man. He shut his eyes quickly, bracing for something harmful to happen, but he only heard the silver tray being lifted. "Open your eyes and eat" the man said. He placed the tray onto Bruno's lap and crossed his arms. Bruno opened his eyes slowly to see the food closer up. There was bread and a plate with beef and fried rice. He took the spoon and took a bite out of the fried rice.

It was good. Really really good.

Bruno continued to eat his breakfast as the man sat down onto the bed.

"I know you must have many questions, but we're doing this to protect you from a group." the man blurted out. Bruno looked over at him. Why should he even trust a word that the man is saying after literally just kidnapping him?

The man read him like a book.

"Whether you choose to trust me or not. You're going to be under our control."

Bruno's stomach had already felt full from his bitter words.

"Alfonso!!" a voice shouted as they entered. Alfonso looked over at his brother, Jae. He gave a nervous smile and rubbed his hands together. "You know how Mother Nature was suppose to watch over this little Madrigal?"

Alfonso gave him a cold stare.

"Yes," he replied. Jae rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well, let's just say...You're not responsible for him." Jae quietly said.

"What!?" Alfonso shouted in anger. Bruno held onto the tray handles, looking down at the food. "I never agreed to this. Why do I have to babysit him?"

Jae threw his hands up unsure as well.

"It's an order." Jae answered.

"And from who, exactly?"

"Bree said so!"

Alfonso rolled his eyes in disgust. Jae walked over and looked down at Bruno.

"Hey Madrigal," Jae whispered as Bruno slowly looked up. Bruno noticed that Jae had looked a lot more bright compared to when he had a hood over himself. Jae smiled. "We won't do anything to you. There's just some mafia mishaps right now, and we need to make sure you're safe. We made a barrier around your village to make sure no one would be able to enter."

"T-Then why did you have to take me?"

Jae tilted his head a bit.

"Well, you're a special one." Jae pointed his finger up and explained. "A group that we've been trying to hunt down has made this sort of device that can easily detect you. I guess you could say it's like a tracking device if they ever choose to pull it out. One of them also has a strong nose that can easily smell your scent if they're close enough."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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