Nightmare (updated)

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The sound of running water filled the air,

as a cold breeze blew through your hair.

For anyone, young or old,

It's truly a sight to behold.

They tell no lies,

when they say it's a sight for sore eyes.

And when it turns to night,

The scene is beautified by a thousand times.

But what makes it truly unforgettable,

is its ability to make people forget.

And to simply be in its presence

Is the greatest blessing yet.

Whether its early or late,

you can feel your worries evaporate.

You'll find yourself wondering,

how is this happening?

Now, in this realm of beauty,

nothing is less than flawless.

But only when you enter the vista,

will you understand what it does.

It renders you speechless,

unmoving and speechless.

But if you knew its secrets,

they're really the deepest.

When the bright blue sky turns pitch black,

when light is what your surroundings lack.

Something comes out from hiding,

it emerges, quick as lightning.

You begin to fill up with fear,

out from your eye slips a tear.

"It's a dream,"

but you still screamed.

When it pounced without warning,

and you ran without thinking.

Unfortunately, there's no escaping,

from this nightmare that just keeps going.

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