Don't Say I Didn't Tell You So

Start from the beginning

And that would lead us to now, we had travelled to St Louis to visit Randy's parents whilst we went house hunting.

We were currently in his room, I was reading a book as Randy laid beside me.

As you may have guessed, concussed.

"My head hurts.", I heard him speak out, his voice muffled due to his face being buried into the pillows.

"Don't say I didn't-"

"Shhhhh.", he silenced me.

"-tell you so.", I finished causing him to lift his head up, sending me a glare.

"Don't look at me like that Randal, you're the one who went out there when I told you that you should have took the night off.", I shook my head, keeping my eyes on my book as I gave him a lecture. "But no, Randal thinks he can go out there the night after and wrestle."

I heard him sigh, the bed shifting as he moved to rest his head on my arm, looking up at me. I glanced down, trying not to laugh at the look on his face.

Here was this 6ft 4', weighing over 200 pounds muscular man sending me a look what resembled a puppy.

Very manly indeed.

"I'm not giving you any sympathy, Randal."

"I love you.", I heard him say causing a smile to break out on my face. "I love you too, you idiot.", I smiled.


I rolled my eyes, shaking my head before focusing back to my book. I felt Randy place his hand on my stomach, rubbing lightly.

"Look at how big your bump is getting.", he smiled absentmindedly.

"I'm starting to lose sight of seeing my feet.", I laughed, placing my book down on the bedside table. "But this whole pregnancy thing ain't so bad, I'm starting to like this bump.", I added.

"I just want it to arrive already, I can't wait.", Randy looked up at me with a smile before turning his attention back to my stomach. "Hear that kid, daddy can't wait to meet you."

Upon hearing him say that I felt a sudden movement in my stomach, Randy must have felt it too as he sat up, his face lighting up with excitement at the realisation of what had happened.

The baby had moved.

"Did you feel that? It moved!", Randy grinned.

I nodded, smiling back at him, lost for words.

This was the first time this had happened, and it happened when Randy spoke. It was almost too cute.


"You felt the baby move? How wonderful!", Elaine beamed. "When did this happen?", she asked.

"When we were lying down, Randy said something and we felt it move.", I replied.

"Awh, how wonderful. I remember when I first felt Randy kick, it was such a magical moment.", she sighed before checking on the food she was cooking.

"I remember feeling him kick too, it's truly beautiful.", Bob added as he walked into the kitchen. "Does it feel more real, knowing that in four months you're going to be parents?", he asked.

"Yeah, it's pretty exciting.", I smiled before looking at Randy, who nodded in agreement.

"Oh, speaking of the baby..", Randy started before racing off out of the kitchen, his footsteps loud as he ran up the stairs.

"I swear one of these days he's going to fall through those stairs.", Elaine tutted.

"Always told you the kid is heavy on his feet.", Bob sighed, shaking his head.

A few moments later, Randy returned.

"Thought you might want to see your grandchild.", he smiled as he handed over the recent scan picture from the ultra-sound last week.

"Look at it!", Elaine gushed with excitement, a smile on her face as she looked at the scan with Bob.

"It's head looks huge.", Nate mused as he peered over his parents shoulder. "Definitely the spawn of Randy.", he scoffed only to get a slap on the back of the head.

"Randal!", Elaine scolded.

"He said my unborn child had a big head!"

"Nathan!", Elaine scolded again, using Nate's full name.

"He slapped me!"

Bob shook his head, "Kids.", he mumbled only to earn a slap on the back of his head himself.


Slaps for all the Orton men, Elaine is ruthless.

Turning to look at me, Elaine shot me an apologetic smile, "So did you find out the gender of the baby?", she asked looking between me and Randy.

"Well..", I started.

"We decided to find out at the birth, make it a surprise, y'know.", Randy shrugged.

"Does this mean we can place bets on the gender?", Nate asked.

"I'm in.", Bob added. "I'll bet $40 it's a boy."

"I have a strong feeling it's gonna be a girl.", Elaine argued.

"I'm siding with dad on this one, I'll put $30 on a boy.", Nate shrugged.

I looked up at Randy who had a helpless expression on his face, turning his head to look at me. "Can you believe they're betting on the gender of our child?"

"Not really, Amy and a Trish placed their bets months ago.", I shrugged with a smile.


Finally, an update.

This story is coming to a close, it'll be finished in three chapters. Then we can move on to the sequel. *throws confetti*

But anyways, as usual Orton getting into trouble with Mel. Heh, that'll never change. But a cute moment with the soon-to-be parents and their bump.

Hope you guys enjoyed it, thanks for reading!

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