You're hard to love/ (You're hard to love)


I'll change the colors on my head/ Worn like a mood ring past my neck, oh (oh)

I used to need the words you wrote/ now I go through the pictures like you're stuck in my phone

It's like cutting up the sentiment we're just friends/ But now I'm vexed and pissed and confident, it's like

You're selfish and a half/ And the other half is me/ Who's apparently not mad enough

To get up and to leave


It's too easy to hate you, and hard to love/ It's too easy to hate you, when was it not?

All that I can do is fall in blame with you/ It's too easy to hate you, hate you

You're hard to love/ (You're hard to love)

It's too easy to hate you, you're hard to love/ It's too easy to hate you

It's too easy to hate you, and hard to love/ It's too easy to hate you, when was it not?


All that I can do (All that I can do)/ Is fall in blame with you (Is fall in blame with you)

It's too easy to hate you, hate you

I used to save the words you said/ In the texts that you would send when you were going to bed

It's like you were yellow but the lights were red/ We both know you'd never stop, you're hard to love

ASHER: I want nothing more than to get over these feelings.

We still have a split stage from phone call. The lights on Asher's room fades and the lights come up on where Sam was earlier. Except now it's Jasmine and their parents. 

Jasmine's Mom: I just don't understand, where did all of this come from? Is it because of your breakup with Jared-

Jasmine: I broke up with Jared because of the way he treated people like me, people in the LGBTQ community.

Jasmine's Dad: But you like boys. You only like boys-

Jasmine: No dad, I don't. I don't only like boys, my future partner will not be determined by their gender-

Jasmine's Mom: And what is it with this gender thing as well? You're saying you're not a girl? I know full well you're a girl, I gave birth to you! I changed your diaper for years-

Jasmine: I'm not going to even try to explain my gender to you.

Jasmine's Dad: I'm sorry, I just... I just don't get any of it. You're our daughter, Jasmine. Our daughter who likes boys.

Jasmine's parents leave the room. They collapse on the bed and start crying. They reach for their phone, put it back, and then grab it again to call someone

Asher's phone rings. Asher picks it up without looking at who it is

Asher: Sam, you better have a song idea you want to bounce off me, there is no other reason you should be up this late.

Jasmine: Um... this is Jasmine.

Asher: *shoots up from the bed* Shit Jasmine, I'm so sorry. I didn't check who it was. I assumed it was Sam. He sometimes calls me this late either for a song idea, or he felt the need to tell me some random fact at 2 am.

Jasmine: *laughs a little bit, but then the line goes silent* ... How do you do it?

Asher: Do what?

Jasmine: Deal with everyone who doesn't accept you for who you are. How do you do it?

Asher: I assume you told your parents?

Jasmine: yeah.

Asher: I wish I could tell ya. The only person I ever actually came out to was Sam. And now you, I guess. I never officially came out at school, everyone just roped me in with Sam. Which, I was fine with. It wasn't like I was going to let him suffer alone. We'd get through it like we'd get through everything. Together. *stops* shit, I'm sounding as cheesy as him, but- what I'm saying is- You don't really deal with it. People not accepting you for something you can't control sucks dick. But you don't have to go through it alone.

Jasmine: *through sobbing* Thank you. I really needed to hear that.

Asher: Hey, you doing- well, I know you're not okay. How about this: Get through the night. Tomorrow- I'll... take you out on a walk. Just to clear your mind. Sounds good?

Jasmine: ... Yeah. I'd like that. 

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