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You are the smell before rain.
You are the blood in my veins.


Hanagaki Takemichi was sure that his boyfriend of four years sensed his presence. However, he didn't acknowledge him. He just kept leaning precariously on the railing, head tilted back and staring up at the clouds as they drifted slowly across the night's sky, exhaling lungsful of smoke after smoke, lost in his own train of thought.

Takemichi had tried to get him to quit, but nothing he had tried was working. They say it can take anywhere from 18 days to over 200 for a habit to catch on, but Takemichi had tried everything for Mikey to give up on the poisonous sticks.

Nicotine gum, patches, even going as far as to leave self-help books and pamphlets around their home.

Unfortunately, it seemed like a losing battle.

"You should quit smoking. It's a disgusting habit." The dark-haired figure leaning over the balcony turned to face him and grinned, a cigarette hanging from his lips and Takemichi bit his own lip at the sight. He had never been a fan of smoking cigarettes himself – being health conscious and all – but the sight of Mikey holding it between those pink lips of his was fucking sinful.

He leaned next to him, looking up at the clouds Mikey was watching, his eyes tracing the stars that tried to peek out from between them. He heard Mikey breathe in, inhaling the toxic smoke and exhaling with a loud sigh.

"I know, the dark-haired man took another long drag of his cigarette, the intoxicating menthol-tinged smoking filling his lungs and drowning out all of his senses.

Takemichi reached over and took the burning cigarette from his lips, twirling it between his fingers for a quick second before crushing it on the ground beneath his shoe. Mikey looked at him, and wordlessly exhaled, reaching into his dress-shirt pocket and took out another cigarette placing it against his lips. However, before he had the chance to light it, the cigarette was once again removed from his lips and thrown over the balcony to the street below.

"Okay, that is like – the least fun game ever!"

Takemichi snorted out a laugh, "You did not just quote 'Friends' to me."

Mikey laughed lightly in response, moving to take another cigarette from his pack.

Takemichi grabbed his chin, stopping him, and leaned forward, pressing his lips to Mikey's, chasing the taste of the menthol cigarette with his tongue, swiping gently over his lips. The taste ignites something burning deep inside of him, it's wild and avid, and it fills him with passion and purpose. There was an itch deep underneath his skin, and they take the time-devouring each other, tasting each other painfully slow.

Mikey couldn't help but feel the slight edge of calming sensation ebb its way through his blood. It was far different from the relief that nicotine granted. There was a fierceness to Takemichi's kisses that was strangely addictive; Mikey could faintly taste the lingering flavor of Emma's famous fruit punch on Takemichi's tongue.

The sweet taste and the wet heat of Takemichi's mouth were making him dizzy. He felt Takemichi reach his hand into his shirt pocket and pull the carton of cigarettes out, he broke away from the kiss, both their lips wet from saliva and still tingling.

Takemichi looked up at him, his eyes half-lidded with something so raw and hungry. His blue eyes were dark and almost black with lust. He waved the carton in front of Mikey's dilated eyes; the balcony was silent save for their heavy breathing, they can hear music coming from the room behind them, blocked by the double-glazed door.

Takemichi leaned closer, raising his arms to bracket Mikey in, fingers still wrapped tight around the carton of cigarettes. Leaning his head down to Mikey's ear, he nibbles it gently causing the elder to whimper quietly as his legs trembled.

"The next time you get the urge to do something like this. I want you to come to me." Takemichi whispers, tracing his nose up and down Mikey's neck before latching onto the soft spot between Mikey's neck and shoulder, causing him to cry out and his knees to buckle forward into Takemichi.

Takemichi in turn wraps his arms around his boyfriend, lavishing his neck with open-mouthed kisses and leaving marks in his wake. He pushes his hips into Mikey's, moaning raggedly at the feeling of a hard cock against him. Moving his mouth to Mikey's, he nibbled at his lips before licking his way into his wet cavern.

Their moment was interrupted as a laughing Hakkai opened the balcony door, the blaring music in the background washing over them, and the electricity he felt from Takemichi's kisses was still thrumming through his body, and he could feel the baseline ebb through his veins like honey.

"Wow," Hakkai laughs, "Sorry guys, just needed some fresh air. Wait – you're not going to fuck on my balcony, are you?" Hakkai giggles to himself slightly tipsy "Because you know we can all see you, not that I'm saying it wouldn't be a good show," he giggles again winking at the duo wrapped around each other.

Mikey sighs loudly at their friend's antics and tips his head back to look at the stars above them, he feels Takemichi's arms wrap a little tighter around him as he tips further back on the railing.

"Don't worry Hakkai, there's not going to be a free show here."

Takemichi grins into Mikey's neck at the whine Hakkai lets out, turning his head, and watches him walk away telling their friends not to go out to the balcony because "It's a porno waiting to happen out there."

They could hear the others roaring with laughter over the loud music.

Mikey looks back down at Takemichi who's blue eyes are still a little heavy-lidded, his bruised mouth parted in quiet gasps. "I don't want you to smoke these anymore," Takemichi says softly, but his face was serious. "If you're going to fill your lungs with anything, it's going to be me."

Mikey's eyes dilate, black filling his eyes; so much so that they look completely fathomless.

He looks down at Takemichi's hand which still clutched the small carton of cigarettes, he takes them from him and looked at them for a second; he then promptly throws them over the balcony to the busy street below. He then turned and pulled Takemichi back against his body, breathing in his scent and getting lost in the taste of his lips.

"Kiss me," he whispers against Takemichi's lips, barely pulling away, his breath brushing against Takemichi's mouth. Takemichi answers by pulling him closer, eyes squeezed shut as he kisses Mikey. He's warm in his arms – warm and sweet and so soft.

Mikey's head is spinning in a way that has nothing to do with the nicotine still thrumming through his veins. Opening his mouth eagerly as Takemichi's tongue swipes against his lips. Takemichi's kisses are slow and savoring, his arms clinging to him tightly as if he's afraid to let go, holding him close as they continue to kiss.

The fruity taste of Takemichi's tongue is addictive, rich, and heady, and it's all Mikey could ever want.

This was the only addiction he ever needed.


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