Sick (part 2)

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"Just getting water," i said walking down stairs. "Did he eat the soup?" Jess asked worried. "Yea he did," i said. "Thank you alot y/n," she said starting to tear up. ,"ow, dont cry please," i say giving her a hug. "Your the only one he's listening to and i cant thank you enough for being here today," she said crying. "Honestly, i would rather be here with you guys, than at home right now, if you need anything let me know," i said with a soft smile. "thank you so much," she said hugging me.

I walked back up stairs and laid  down with Javon. He started cuddling me as soon as i hit the bed. "Why do you want cuddles?" i asked. "Cause i just do," he said. "Really, is there another reason why?" i asked. "yes, but im not saying it," he said borrowing his head into my stomach.
"You like me don't you," i mumbled not thinking he could hear me. "hm maybe," he said making his grip tighter.

We both fell asleep for 3 hours, it was now 5:40pm. I woke up just before Javon. "How you feeling?" i asked. "Better," he said looking at me. "Do you still want cuddles or can i go?" i asked. "Nope your staying," he said. "Why?" i asked. "cause your mine and because i said your staying," he said putting his head into my neck. I just blushed.  Soon Javon fell back asleep and so i just scrolled on tik tok. "Hey, did you t- " Jaden tried saying but cut off " shh," i said. "sorry, mom wanted to know if yous wanted anything from the shops," he asked. "Uh, just some drinks," he said. "Okay, we will be back soon,". "okay bye," i said.

25 minutes later Jaden came into the room with drinks and some snacks. "Thanks Jaden," i said. "No problem, so you and Javon huh?" he asked while sitting near the door. "Were just friends," i said. "But like yous are so cute and yous flirt all the time," he says with a smirk. "I guess so, but i dont know like- wait why am i talking
to you about this, get out," i said realising i was still talking to Jaden. "Nah, i won't tell anyone, just tell me," he said like a 2 year old wanting ice cream. "well.. i guess i like him, but i dont really know so," i said. "Aww cute," he said while standing up.

Javon had woken up just before i told Jaden about how i liked him. "so you like me huh?" he asked moving his head. "shit- stop scaring me like that," i said. "you didn't answer my question," he said with a smirk. "uh- well yea, i dont know," i said. "oh cool, anyways i feel a lot better," he said. "Thats good, can i go now?" i asked. "no," he said. "wh- "no" i tried saying but Javon cut me off.

(skip til 8:50pm)

It was now 8:50pm, Javon and i were still cuddling, anyways we both fell asleep.

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