FIVE, imola

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ELENA'S first race of the season and there was already massive controversy. It seems that the 'Max letting Lewis through' sparked some arguments among fans.

Elena decided not to mention the matter whilst she was with her brother, as she didn't want to be kicked out of the Red Bull garage by Christian Horner at her first race.

Although... she didn't see the harm in going to visit the Italians over at Ferrari.

In Checo's side of the garage, she stood with her earphones on, paddock pass draped around her neck, her part-crocheted halter top feeling slightly useless considering the wet weather.

Checo was still in his drivers room, getting in some last minute reaction practice before the race, wanting to make sure he got the jump on Lewis before turn one, holding him up for Max.

She felt a presence beside her, and saw Max stood slightly to her right, giving her a smile. He said something to her, but she shook her head, pointing to her headphones.

Max realised she couldn't hear him, and reached behind her to grab his own pair, caging her into the wall slightly.

"Hi." he said, when he placed the headphones on his head.

"Hola." she said, giving him another smile.

"You excited?" Max asked.

"For sure. My brother beat you in quali. Amazing result, super pleased." she joked.

Max rolled his eyes at her, but still smiling. He noticed her shivering slightly, seeing her bare arms cross over one another, trying to warm herself up.

"Nice outfit choice." Max teased her.

Elena rolled her eyes. "Thanks smart-ass. It's Italy... I assumed the weather would be nice alright? Cut me some slack the last race I went to was Abu Dhabi."

Max shook his head, smiling to himself at how naive the Perez girl was. He took off his head phones, handing them to her, before hurrying off.

Elena stood confused, Max's headphones still in her hand, until her came running back, something draped over his arm. He took the headphones back off Elena and gestured for her to turn around.

She did, slightly hesitantly, before Max moved her arms so they were apart, sliding his RedBull rain jacket onto her shoulders.

"Max what-"

"El you'll freeze to death like that." Max told her firmly, telling her he wasn't taking the jacket back.

Elena froze slightly at the nickname, him never having called her that before. The only people that were really allowed to call her "El" was her brother, or her friends.

"Thanks." She said, knowing she wasn't going to win the argument of who should have the jacket. Plus, it was really cold, and Max's jacket was really warm.

"You're welcome my lady." he said, doing a slightly sarcastic bow."

Elena scoffed to hold on her laugh, as she turned away from him, pursing her lips as to not smile.

Max's name was called by his race engineer, and he stood back up straight. "I'll see you after the race yeah? Checo said we were all gonna' go out for drinks. Fancy joining?"

Elena nodded. "Sure, is it alright if I bring my friend? She's my brother's race engineer, I feel like I'd kinda' be lost without her."

Max nodded. "Yeah of course. I'll see you then." He gave her one last smile before walking off towards Gianpiero, leaving Elena to embrace the warmth of his jacket.

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