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I woke up in the library, tired and my body screaming soreness. I gazed at the window and saw a tint of sunlight rising by the east side. I stood up stretched myself and got out of the library in a fast pace before someone saw me in my sleepy state.

I got into my room and headed fast to my wardrobe, looking for my vanities so as I could go get some cold shower. Audrey walked in, out of the bathroom and she gave me a very worried expression.
"Where have you been? I've been looking for you!" She exclaimed.
"Dozed off in the library. Sorry." I mumbled.
She sighed in defeat as she shook her head.
"We are running out of time." She said to me.
"Out of time? What are we rushing for again?" I asked her incredulously.
"I have been summoned." She replied solemnly.
I exhaled deeply. "What is it?" I asked with concern laced in my voice.
"We need to help you find yourself soon enough."
"Okay. Who summoned you?"
"My godmother. Actually this happens a lot since am the leader of this team. Most times I get to be summoned on who to help, advice, teach and warn."
"Okay,madam." I said as I headed towards the bathroom.
"And would you hurry? We have a long way to the dark tower."
I stopped in my tracks. I turned around to face her , with an astounded expression.
"Dark tower?" I whispered. The name itself brings goosebumps on my skin.
"Yes." She whispered back beaming.
I scowled at her. "You think this is funny."
"It's just a name girl. Well that's the best place you can try your strengths there. Now go hurry! We can't afford getting late!"
"Aaahhh!" I groaned. No more comforting cold shower.

The Dark tower was known to be a place where strong magic dealers dealt with whatever they wanted. It's always dangerous because that place could bring a series of dreadful events back to life. Most recruits who are termed to be blue bloods tend to learn and get through the processes of knowing their strengths there because it's a place where the powerful strength can be held without causing any destruction.

As I sat in my room waiting, I became nervous. Yes , it's great getting to know what am capable of. But what if something goes wrong, or maybe there's something am missing...or I just can't find my strengths due to some problems that I myself can't solve?

"Ethela?" I heard someone calling me. I gazed at the door.
"Hey Kayla. Come in." I replied . She walked in and closed the door behind her.
She walked towards me and sat next to me.
"You look like you could pass out any minute now." She said gazing at me intensely.
"Juts thinking of the negativity of all this magic issues."
"There is less negativity in magic. I mean it's magic we are talking about here." She replied
"I don't know. It's just that, all this is hard to process. I'm trying to think positively because I have no choice but to fit in."
"Blaaah! You'll be fine. Don't get ahead of yourself too much."
"As you say." I said as I exhaled deeply and gave her a tight smile.

We left the room and headed towards the cafeteria. I managed to walk past the black warriors and met a set of eyes looking at me with contempt, anger, jealousy and mischief. I couldn't care less. Much possibly, I'd rather mind my own business.
"Hey guys." I said to my teammates as I arrived at our table. They gazed at me with silence and I started feeling worried again.
"Is there something wrong?" I asked curiously.
"You've changed." Lilian said to me.
"Changed in what aspect?" I asked her
"You have this powerful glow in your eyes. Your eyes are filled with a much more shade of gray." Kian said as he gazed at me closely.
"You guys must be out of your mind." I said as I held my temple with my left hand.
"No we are not." Adrian emphasized. "Lester had a lighter shade of blue, but when things got tight..boom! A darker shade of blue that still haunts him to this moment." He said as he gazed at Lester. Lester gazed back at me instead. He gave me a tight smile as he gazed somewhere else.
"We have to leave." Lester said to all of us.
"Which way are you preferring, Lester?" Audrey asked him.
"The Thorn Forest." He replied casually.
"Thorn? As in filled with thorns?" I asked incredulously.
"Yes Gray orbs. Thorns." Lester replied as he smirked at me.
"So you and Lester will take the ground, because that forest responds to blue bloods only." Audrey said to me.
"But isn't it dangerous?" I said my voice laced with fright.
"Are you scared baby?" Lester teased me. I gazed at him ferociously but said nothing. I will eventually get time to give him a piece of my mind.
"Okay, let's get moving." Kian said as we all stood up and left.

Book One of the KARDIA Trilogy; Queen of HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now