Chapter 10: Father Vs Son

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My father launched himself at me forming a blade of light around his hand, slashing at me.
I dodged left and right each of his slashes nearly touching my skin,
I see my opening and sweep him of his feet then kicking his stomach sending him flying.
He gets up and fires energy blasts in my direction, this was my chance to close tha gap!
I dashed towards him dodging every blast, as I ran I formed a sword made from pure light energy and pushed it right into his chest.
I had won. Or did I?
He vanished, I turned around and before I knew it he kicked me up in the air then fired multiple blasts at me, each one landing a blow.
I landed on the ground, unable to get up. The pain was excruciating
"I never thought I would have to kill my own son, but here I am. You disappoint me Sparrow, you're incredibly weak. I thought at least you'd put up a fight. I hope it was worth it. Loosing your life for a human. Don't worry, you'll see her soon enough. I'm going to kill her too"
Those words. Those words awoke something deep within me, something I never felt before, Pure Rage.
I stood up, purple energy surrounding me, Black wings shot out from my back, it seems I didn't only inherite my father's power, but my mother's as well.
"W-What is this? Dammit you're just like your bitch of a mother!"
He fired a large energy lazer at me, I absorbed it and shot it back at him, he dodged it and charged at me, I grabbed him by the neck
"You will not touch the person I love, this battle is over. Goodbye Aaron"
My purple energy surrounded him and he turned to light and vanished.
The purple energy faded and I fell to my knees. Serena rushed to my side and hugged me, next I heard something odd. People were cheering and clapping, I had just saved the whole town

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