Chapter 1: First glances

Start from the beginning


What? Another girl? He thought to himself, Teresa was enough to handle, never mind another!

He jumped steadily into the box, landing with your knees bent, absorbing the impact. Newt and Alby were stood behind him, observing from the edge of the box, instead of in it.

She seemed scared, well of course she'd be scared. Her eyes were wide with terror, and when she spotted him she scurried away quickly into the far corner of the box.

"Go away," she whispered, her fists were clenched, and her eyes darted from his and back onto the floor. It became apparent to him that she was fighting tears.

"Hey greenie, it's okay," he says. Stupid, of course it wasn't okay. She won't remember anything, just like he didn't. He broke down in floods of tears when he was the greenie, and he grimaced at the memory. He carefully extended his hand towards her, mentally reminding himself to be cautious.

"Cmon, let's get you out of here greenie, we won't hurt you."


You looked up at him. The only thing you found intimidating about this guy was his sharp eyebrows, and a reflection of impatience in his eyes.
Greenie? What the hell was that supposed to mean? Do you look green to him? What's going on? So many questions raced through your head as you fought away the tears that started to well up in your eyes. You swallowed the lump that built up in your throat. You're stronger than this.

Reluctantly, you slowly extended your small hand to touch his. He gripped your hand with his own; rough skinned and scarred all over. You used his strong arms to pull yourself up.


Woah, he thought, her hands were so cold, so small, so fragile. She completely avoided making eye contact with him and stared at the floor, obviously trying to hide her tears. Her features were soft and gentle, her hair silky and brown. She was also a lot smaller than him, which he saw as cute. He hadn't noticed till now that he was still gripping her hands and quickly let go.

"Lets get you out," he exhaled, as he motioned for Newt and Alby to assist her with getting out the box.
Their firm, strong arms hoisted her out in one motion.

Then, she stood there, gaping at the glade that surrounded her.


You looked around, taking in everything. There were four staggeringly tall stone walls surrounding a vast forest in one corner, and scattered buildings in the opposite.
What is this place? You asked yourself. Why can't you remember anything? Who are these people and why are they all boys? You felt so confused.

A tall, dark skinned guy approached you, introducing himself as Alby. Another, blonde haired boy was with him, who's name you later learned was Newt. Together, they showed you around, explaining to you where you'd sleep, shower, eat, and the different roles they had in this place, which they had dubbed The Glade.

The place was so breath-taking, but so odd. Who had put you here, and why did they have to wipe your memories? Maybe you had a boyfriend that had all these cute nicknames for you, or maybe you had a pet cat that slept at the end of your bed, and woke you up by licking your face.

From what Alby explained, they, as in the gladers, built all of the structures here themselves, with help from what the box supplied them, including a new 'greenie' each month. You.

So that's what a greenie is.
The sky started to turn a soft autumn orange, something that tugged at your memory as sunset.

Just as Alby's rambling on about rules or something like that, three people came sprinting out of a tall gap in the huge walls. The first to emerge was a tall white boy, blonde, with strong facial features. Following him was another white boy, but with adorable black hair, and a button nose. Finally running behind him was an Asian boy, with black hair pulled smoothly into, in your opinion, a sexy flick. All three of their bodies were drenched in sweat, their t-shirts clinging to their bodies, and were breathing heavily as they ran towards you, or at least Alby and Newt.
"-the maze. Never. You clear with me greenie?"

Oh shit. You'd just missed Alby's lecture. But you nodded slowly anyway.

The Asian boys jog slowed when he reached Alby, Newt and yourself, your heart racing. 

"You're the new greenie, huh?" he exclaimed. He supported himself, slightly bent over, with his hands half way down his thighs. He looked up at you, eyebrows raised.
You nodded in response.

You noticed Alby and Newt heading back to the dining area, where you could smell something vaguely pleasant being brewed up by the cook, Frypan. The Asian boy was still standing a few meters away from you, but he's was then stood up straight, with his head tilted slightly upwards, hands on his hips.

"You remember your name yet greenie?" He asked you, and oh my gosh, his eyes.

You shook your head, stressing your brain to remember your name, without realising you were pulling a really weird face.

"You'll get it tomorrow, don't look so worried greenie," he chuckled a little, his lips perking up into a smile, and you felt yourself blush slightly as you smiled back.

"So, uh.." You mumbled, looking for words that this boy had unexplainably stolen from you. "What's your name?"

His smile turned into a smirk.



So uhm sorry if this part seems short, I'm just getting myself in the swing of writing, you know?
But actually the whole story line is unfolding in my head and I look forward to writing more.

And yeah last night Will Poulter (or you may know him as Gally) was in my dream, and nothing bad happened but he gave me a hug and I couldn't stop smiling when I woke up aha.

But please leave me feedback if there's anything I can do to improve heheh, thanks in advance :)

Reviewed and changed 12/02/18, first version published like four years ago.

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