Chapter 9

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"...uhh Jiang-Xiong, Wangji-Xiong, Wei-Xiong, Xichen-Ge... I'm going to excuse myself for now..." Nie Huaisang said as he slowly went outside and closed the door.

"*Sigh* the atmosphere is so cold in there... I'm not going to be caught in that shit" Nie Huaisang said quietly and walk away from the room.


Back Inside The Room

"Wanyin...who are these kids" Lan Xichen asked, his smile was broken when he heard the twins called Jiang Wanyin their A-Niang.

"A-Chen, A-Yuan...what about you and your cousins play on that corner, me, your A-Niang and Shushu are talking to someone. We'll just get food later okay?" Wei Wuxian said calmly and Wei Chenqing nodded before dragging his brother and cousin.

" is the time to tell him the truth" Wei Wuxian said.

Suibian and Bichen just stood there watching the scene.

Jiang Wanyin sigh heavily and massage his head before looking at Lan Xichen.

"Wanyin...did you cheat on me?" Lan Xichen asked brokenly.

Jiang Wanyin froze and look at him frowning.

"No. I didn't! Why would I do that?!" Jiang Wanyin shouted.

"Well those two just called you their A-Niang!...I need an explanation" Lan Xichen said.

"Fine... you're their Father." Jiang Wanyin said suddenly.

Lan Xichen froze on his spot processing everything.

"W-what?" Lan Xichen stuttered, he was speechless.

Lan Xichen then grab Jiang Wanyin's shoulders.

"When?! How?! Why didn't you told me?!" Lan Xichen said shock at the sudden news.

" should calm down first before A-Cheng explain it to you" Wei Wuxian said and Lan Xichen sigh before letting go of Jiang Wanyin's shoulder.

"Xiongzhang.." Lan Wangji called.

Lan Xichen sigh heavily.

"Why don't we sit" Suibian said breaking the silence and they all agree.

Wei Wuxian sat on one of the cushion chairs with Lan Wangji on his lap.

Suibian and Bichen sat on another Seperated same as Lan Xichen and Jiang Wanyin.

"A-Cheng you should start explaining now..." Wei Wuxian said and Jiang Wanyin sigh again and look at Lan Xichen.

"Well it started when..." Jiang Wanyin started and continue to explain everything.

Once Jiang Wanyin was finished, he was Lan Xichen stood up and went closer to Jiang Wanyin and hug him, Jiang Wanyin burying his face into Lan Xichen's chest.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry I didn't tell you..I..I was scared..." Jiang Wanyin said brokenly and Lan Xichen hug him tighter afraid of letting him go.


Jiang Wanyin had fallen asleep in Lan Xichen's arms.

"Xichen-Ge...I hope you understand A-Cheng. He was just scared of telling you back then..and A-Cheng has trust issues" Wei Wuxian said and sigh.

"I completely understand him A-Xian.." Lan Xichen said stood up with Jiang Wanyin in his arms.

"You should put him in his room to sleep Xiongzhang" Lan Wangji said simply and Lan Xichen nodded.

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