Ch.2 First Night Scares

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A/n: I actually wrote this fairly quickly. I'm kinda surprised at myself. Don't really expect updates to be this fast all the time though. This will probably be a one or two in a life time thing. And thanks to those of you who actually voted and commented, I really appreciate it.

So with that being said, you can go ahead and start with your reading. X3
Mike stepped out of his car, looking at the tall building of the pizzeria. His head started pounding again with the memories flowing back. It was almost unbearable. Mike grit his teeth at the pain. He closed his eyes for a minute before the pain finally passed. Sighing in relief he looked back up at his childhood restaurant and trudged forward.

There were actually a lot of cars parked out front. Must be a party...

He opened the doors and was instantly hit with the sound of children laughing and playing inside. He also heard the parents of said children yelling at them to behave. He chuckled. It seemed the day time workers had their hands full.

Mike swept his eyes over the main room. There were tables littered everywhere with balloons floating above them. Near the back of the room he could see the animatronics playing their music in the back. Freddy had his mic in his hand singing, and Chica and Bonnie were on either side of him with musical instruments of their own to play. Mike smiled, he really missed this place, but something felt...missing. What was it?

He was so lost in thought he didn't notice the middle aged man making his way towards him. When a hand fell on his shoulder he nearly jumped from the shock. His eyes widened and he turned his sight to the man that had made contact with his shoulder.

"Woah, I didn't mean to scare ya boy." The man laughed out, sounding more amused then sorry.

Mike huffed and rubbed the back of his neck shyly. "It's alright. I guess I let my mind take over."

The man chuckled and patted him on the back, a little harder then necessary I may add. "Well that's alright. So, can I help you with anything? You've been standing here for about five minutes just staring."

Mike blushed in embarrassment. "Y-yeah, I've come to look for a job."

The man's eyes widened in shock. "Wait, you're here for the night job?"

Mike eyed the man with confusion but nodded. "Yeah, this use to be my favorite restaurant so I thought it would be a good fit. Why? Is there something wrong-"

"No no! Nothing wrong at all my lad!" He answered a bit to quickly. "I'm the owner here, and I can already tell you're gonna be a big help. You're hired!"

Mike gaped at the man. He's already hired!? That escalated quickly...

"So I'm really already hired? No interview or anything?"

"Fine, if that's what you want. Do you have any thing illegal about you in your records like drugs or murder?"

Mike paused and blinked. "No."

"You think you can flip through screens?"

"Yes..." mike answered, unsure of this 'interview'

"Then you're hired. Welcome to the team. What's your name kid?"

Mike blinked. He was starting to wonder if this place was really legit...

"My names Michael Schmidt, but everyone calls me Mike."

"Well Mike, my name is Fredrick Jones. You will be starting tonight. Is that alright with you?" His new boss Fredrick asked.

It surprised him that he would be working so soon. But hey, the faster he got money, the better. "Yeah that's fine. What time do I start?"

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