Chapter 4

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"M/n oppa is back?!"

"He's so handsome~!"

"His skin is glowing~"

"I heard he's really close friends with the famous idol, DG."

"It's true! Paparazzi spotted them together at one of his clubs."

"Wow he's gorgeous~!"

"He's mine bitch!"

"But you're a dude"


"When what?"

"When tf did i ask for ya dumbass opinion?!"

"Geez you got yourself a even bigger fan club then Eli Jang's from the beauty department, M/n." Mary said.

"Pfft your good looking and all but I'm way more handsome then you, these chicks are crazy," Vin stated.

His hands tucked into his pockets while he frowned at the scene of these love-strucked teenage girls AND boys that slowly started to crowd around them in the parking lot next to M/n's car.

"Hah I don't think so Mary, and your right, you do look really hot Vinnie."

Vin looked away and blushed at M/n's statement.

"(Cough) it's just Vin.." Vin muttered bashfully.

M/n heard this and placed his hand on Vin's shoulder, gently turning him around.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Vin," M/n replied with a seemingly genuine and worried reaction.

Vin was surprised by this and quickly responded.

"N-no! You can call me whatever you want i- just know I'm more handsome then you!"

M/n smiled at Vin's flustered response.

'Unintentionally' causing not only Vin, but his many admirers that surrounded him, entranced.


M/n, Mary and Vin continued making their way to class. While Mary frustratingly tried to shoo away M/n's fanclub, and M/n teasingly flirting with Vin after greeting most of his admires.

Once the three of them arrived to the vocal and dance department, M/n talked and hung out with the both of them for awhile until he decided to leave to go to his homeroom.

(Time skip)

Before I could enter the classroom someone interrupted me.

"It's good to see you again M/n." A gruff and croaky voice called out.

I turned around and saw it was the  principal

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I turned around and saw it was the principal.

"It's good to be back sir." I replied while bowing down in respect.

He nodded his head and continued talking.

"Thank you for doing that paper for me. I was too busy over the week with a few things regarding some of the students. You know how rowdy some of the Architecture students can be."

"It's all right sir. I love my role as student body president and don't mind at all helping our teaching staff with a few things, including yourself." M/n responded humbly with a charming smile.

The principal smiled at this and replied with a laugh.

"I know I shouldn't keep on saying this, but that's why your my favourite student."

M/n thanked the principal before he excused himself to class.

As soon as M/n opened the classroom door he was met with a surprising scene.

The whole classroom was crowding around what seemed like a fight that just finished.

In the centre of the crowd was Zack Lee crouched down on the ground yelling at everyone to look away, and another male who looked confused yet stood next to Zack Lee's body.

What the fuck?

As soon as everybody noticed M/n entered the class room, the whole room stoped cheering for the new transfer (Daniel) and quickly quieted down into whispers.

Even Zack who was just yelling at everyone before, stopped his violent threats.

"It's M/n. He's back!"

"He's gotten even more handsome~!"

"Oh no Daniel is definitely going to get in trouble by the student president."

"He has a strict no bullying tolerance."

"But it was Zack who started it"


"Daniel is handsome but M/n is much more charming and good looking overall."

"Yeah you're right. M/n is really kind and intelligent too."

Most whispers were either compliments or curiosity over how M/n was going to handle this one.

Everyone went silent when they noticed M/n slowly walk over to Zack and crouch down. His eyes scanned over Zack's injury for a bit before he whispered something into Zacks ear.

No one could hear what M/n said to Zack and no one could even see him anymore since M/n's broad shoulders and muscular back completely covered most of zack's frame including his face.

Which is lucky for zack because what M/n muttered into his ear made his face turn crimson.

Once Zack came to his senses and was about to yell and threaten M/n, plus others surrounding him.

M/n quickly brought his fingers to his lips, signalling him to shush before M/n spoke again.

"In 15 seconds the bell is going to ring. Could our new transfer and Mira Kim please stay behind in class for a few minutes before going to lunch?"

Mira quickly agreed and so did Daniel, yet with clear nervousness in his tone.

M/n stood up straight and smiled at everyone.

Most of the class swooned over it and the other half which mainly consisted of boys felt envious yet respected M/n's alluring nature.

"I hope everyone will have a great day and not let this situation become a distraction. Remember to be kind too others and stay resilient " M/n stated in a almost robotic tone. Almost like it was a rehearsed phrased that he had recited everyday.

Right after his comment as if on cue the bell rang.

A few seconds later the classroom was emptied leaving only 4 remaining students.

By now M/n had given Zack a hand and lifted him up.

Mira quickly fussed over Zack and started lecturing him about his actions while Zack only glared at Daniel the whole time.

"I'm sorry for interrupting this obviously important conversation but Zack looks pretty injured right now. Do you mind taking him to the nurse?"

Mira blushed and quickly apologised for scolding Zack in front of them.

"It's okay. Zack is lucky too have someone like you to keep him in check."

Zack glared at M/n while both M/n and Mira started laughing.

They quickly left the classroom and made their way to the nurses office.

Leaving only two people left.

"W-what are you going to do with me?"

"Pull you over my lap and spank you."

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