Chapter 1

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Hi. My name's Akira Toki. Im an average guy but sus. It was a lovely day. I, was walking on the street, trying to find a job cause, why not? I'm doing this just for fun.Im rich, but Im also bored so I actually in trying to find a frickin job. And suddenly, a girl approached me.

"Are you trying to find a job?" She asked. "Yeah," with my voice down cause i was walking for three hours

No literally, three hours.

She handed me a paper. It looked like a normal paper but weird. The edges was kinda ripped and it looked old style.

"Meet me at the Rakshasha Street's alleyway," she said, vanishing to darkness.
WTF, what is this, an anime?

Anyways, I read the paper. It said, "Drop your blood here."What the heck!? Is this a blood contract? First time seeing one IRL.

I go to my home, get a knife and cutted into my finger and dropped my blood on the marked place of the paper. The paper instantly burned.

After that, I was going the place where she instructed which was Rakshasha Street's alleyway. While walking in, there was something off about the place. It didn't smell bad, one thing for sure. Until i realized im not in the alleyway anymore.

I heard a voice behind me,"Welcome, Akira Toki." Huh? How did she know my name? That's when I turn back and see a girl wearing all black, cute as heck and the body posture was....good enough. She also had blonde hair with ponytail and red colored eyes.

"Who are you? And how did you know na-" she closed it with her finger.Huh!? How was she in front of me? "No more questions." She said.

Then she tried to sit, and magically a throne appeared.Wait, where the heck am I in the first place? I looked around, confused.

"Welcome, to my castle. Please, feel free to do anything." the girl said with a kind but also devilish smile. "Okay, first things first, who are you?" I asked for the second time.

Disclamer: she was really cute so I was kinda blushing

"You don't know me?" she said with a look that says "What are you, stupid?" After i heard that put my finger on my chin, thinking.

"Ohhhhh your that girl who gave me the paper." I said with confidence. " Yes, I am,"
she replied with a big smile on her face.

Why is she so cute? Like that smile have had me blushing. "Anyways, that doesn't answer my question, what is your name?" I asked.

"Im Aoi Shinmon, the daughter of Takeru Shinmon!" She said. Damn, is it just me but did she use her father's name to make her look good? If she did, it was a really dumb thing to do.

"Wait, your his son!? OMG who is Takeru Shinmon!?" I said with a joking face. Man i smiled so good that she frowned.Bruh am I the only who thinks this is funny?

"Haha, very funny." She said with a devilish smile. It gave me shivers. Not because I was scared,It's just...CUTE, like I wasn't afraid but rather flushed by that.

"ur cute" I said. She blushed while closing her face. "Wh-wh-who told you that you can say that!" she said with a her face being like a tomato.

"Anyways" I said, ignoring what she just said,"Im here now so what did you want"

"You are looking for a job, right?"

"Yeah" I replied. Man I was so tired of this sh*t, like i want to sleep. I guess im also lucky at the same time cause I got to see the CUTEST GIRL IN THE WORLD (my opinion)

"Well, I didn't give you the paper for nothing," she said. "It was a blo-" "Blood contract." I stopped her midway cause I already know wht she was gonna say.

"How did you know? No one in your world knows about the blood contract," She said, as she gets closer to me.Damn girl! Chill, if I can see myself  I'd probably look like a tomato! "I dunno" I replied as she stares me dead into my eyes.

"Okay, I shall let that past for now,"

"Anyways I assume you called me here to give me a job?" I asked

"Yes, and I will give you something that's so hard that you will cry out of fear." she said,trying to make me 'shiver me timbers'.
To be honest, it kinda is making me 'shiver me timbers'.

"Well what is it?" I said with a weird expression on my face."I need you to find or take blood,cause Im a vampire and I need blood"

Well that was REALLY straightforward. She thinks that being a vampire is cool!? I guess it is. "Ok, when will I start?"

"Tommorow." she said with a slight grin on her face. "Oh! I forgot to mention!If you do this you're going to marry me okay!!" As she said that, I was walking to the way I came from cause even tho she is cute, that doesn't mean I want to marry her.

The next day, I was doing the job. It's the EASIEST thing! Like all you had to do was;

"Buy a chicken.Cut it.Gather the blood in a black, waterproof box."

Easy right!? But that was easy until she said,"I cant drink animals blood, it's disgusting!"

"Okay. Imma give you a humans blood. I'll be right back." I said. I was running to my apartment cause I had a plan.

It was to give her my own blood.

Now, as far as I know, my blood can make something be sus. Oh! Don't forgot that she said 'Even a little drop of blood Is enough.'

Now, you're probably thinking,'That's dumb,' and to be honest, I think so too.
Because according to my WEEB friend, vampires drink a lot of blood and they also have almost like an Unlimited amount of lust. I don't know vampires have that trait, but Im gonna use that to my advantage.

"I have come back, Aoi." I said with a grin on my face. "I see that you have brought some blood, right?" She seems happy that i have brought her blood.

I gave her the blood that was from my body and she licked it.As it was entering her mouth, I quickly looked at my hand, just to make this story more interesting.

But then, she said," Wh-what's happening to my body?" she said as she falls down to the floor. "Akira,my bo-body fe-feels hot.."
Her face was red and I was getting ready to say something that is really cool.

"If Im gonna marry you, I will make it happen. Right here."

"And that's how I met your mother."

         The End

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2022 ⏰

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How I was suddenly hired to take blood for a cute and charming VampireWhere stories live. Discover now