"How are we doing so far?" She feigned a small smile at him.

"Winning, as usual. Two kids. Married." He flashed a smirk.

Two kids? Already? God. The hormones were driving her mad. What if this was a prediction? God what if she was having twins?

"Clarke?" Bellamy looked genuinely concerned for just a second, then he went back to acting nonchalant. Got to make sure no one knew he cared for her. But what about their unborn child, huh? Did he care for her? Or him? No, on second thought, her. It must be a she... and oh shit. This was going to be a long night.

"Yeah, yeah. So long as we are winning." She flashed a small smile.


Octavia called from the kitchen. "Clarke this is the cutest bag? Is it new?"

Clarke rushed to her feet. She couldn't have O looking threw her bag. Oh God, why did she put the pregnancy test in there?

Clarke's eyes went wide, she had the sudden urge to throw up. Again. For the third time today. She rushed over to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her.

"Clarke? Do you need me to get you something? Like a tampon?" Clarke internally thanked O for assuming it was just cramps, but she knew she couldn't hold up the facade for long, since the sounds of heaving were getting louder.

"Clarke? Clarke!? Are you ok? I can get you some water, or a towel? Do you need some meds? Clarke? Are you ok? I...."

Clarke was thankful she was done throwing up. It was a short one this time. She opened the door to find Octavia staring at her, eyes wide, and holding....

A pregnancy test.

"Clarke? You're... you're... pregnant?"

Clarke opened her mouth to respond, but she heard the crash of glass on tile, and looked up to see Bellamy staring at her, just as wide eyed as his sister.

"Bellamy what the hell?!? I just got the kitchen cleaned and.... oh.... oh...... OH MY GOD CLARKE! YOU CAN'T! You.... I.... Bell.... OH MY GOD."

Clarke looked at Bellamy to find him smiling so wide it hurt to look at him. He pushed past a speechless Octavia and walked up to her, stopping just inches away from her face. His eyes were soft.

"How long?'

"I think 10 weeks."

"Are you... happy?"

Clarke sighed. "Yes. Inexplicably happy. But it could just be the damn hormones because..."

Her breath hitched a little as he crashed his lips on hers, holding her tight to him. She was happy. Too happy for words. She thought she would be scared, afraid of having a child with a guy she had only been dating for a couple of months, but the second she saw Bellamy's smile she knew it was perfect. He would protect her and hold her up. He would be the perfect dad.

He released her, and she looked over to find 6 other people staring at them, jaws nearly too the floor. Raven was muttering something to the effect of "I can't even process this...", Octavia still hadn't spoken again (which was a record for her), and Jasper and Monty were just mouthing "Holy shit." Bellamy looked at her and laughed. He was interrupted by Jasper.

"Can we name it Jasper?" Clarke laughed.

"Why would we name it Jasper? It was obvious that I won the bet. It should be Monty."

"You bet on us?"

"Yeah. Well not the kid part but the whole 'you two getting together' part."

"I'm going to be an aunt. Holy shit." Bellamy walked over to give O a tight hug. "YOU COULD HAVE PREPARED ME!"

"I call dibs on godfather!"

"Raven you can't be godfather. You're a girl." Jasper pouted.

Raven did her best Don Corelone impression, and grabbed Jasper by the collar. "And who says I can't?"

Jasper shrunk back, until everyone was laughing. Clarke smiled. This was not what she planned, but she didn't mind it.

"So what are we naming our boy?" Bellamy grabbed her hands, smiling so brightly Clarke thought she could die.

"Boy? It's going to be a girl."

"Whatever you say, princess."


They named him Wells, and Clarke cried when she saw the perfect little nose and curly hair. Bellamy cried too, though he will never admit it.

Bellarke One Shots Book 2Where stories live. Discover now