Chapter 7

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Luz kept pestering me about where I had come from. I tried to fabricate a lie, but she saw right through every single one. 

"Come on! Stop lying, and tell me where you really were!" she smirked, "Were you hanging out with Edric?"

"What?! NO!" I yelled, feeling my face flush up.

"You were with him! I knew it!"

"Oh, shut up Human!"

"Again with the human thing? You know my name, use it!"

"In your dreams!" 

She kept on asking until I finally gave in, and told them everything that happend at the lagoon. She squealed after every single sentence, and I had to keep them quiet since it was already late. 

"Do you think I should go..."hang out" with him....?" I asked her.

"Yeah! One, it will help you make new friends, other than me of course-"

"Were not friends," I said bluntly

She stared at me for a second, before continuing their sentence.

"And second, you two make a cute couple," they said with a wink.

Is stared at her in silence until it hit me what she had said. My face started to turn red again.

"You-uo mean like you and the Blight girl?!" I asked.

She started smiling, and her cheeks started to turn red, as I metioned Amity Blight. She didnt move, so I passed my hand infront of her face.

"Are you alive?" I asked, snapping my fingers.

She snapped out of her trance and look over at me with a sheepish smile. I chukled a bit.

"Your obsessed," I said.

"And what if I am! She is a beautiful cottan candy godess!" they declared.

"Whats cotton candy?"

"I forgot you guys dont know what that is...nevermind forget it.."

Edric's POV

I sneaked into my room making sure I made no noise so mom didnt hear me. I closed the window, and let out a sigh thinking I was alone until I heard a slight cough from behind me. I looked over and found Emira staring at me, smirking.

"So, how was the little date?" she asked.

"Hello to you too Emira, and did mom ask for me?" I asked, trying to divert the question.

"No she did not ask for you. Now stop stalling and tell me everything!" she said, sitting on her bunk bed.

I gave in, and layed on the bed, and told her everything. I couldn't stop smiling while I explanied everything of our encounter. Emira began teasing me about it, and I couldnt help myself but blush more. It made it worse when Mittens walked into our room, and asked what the commotion was. Emira them procceded to tell her everything. I covered my face the whole time. Mittens lectured me on how he was very dangerous, but slowly began following on the teasing. This continued on until I heard my scrolls ringtone.

"Is it you little boyfriend?" Emira teased. I

I stuck out my toungue at her, as I grabbed my scroll and looked at it. I clicked on the notification, and read the messege.

"Hey...I dont KnoW how this wholeTexting. works But I acceptyOur offer...of hanging out..this is. HUnte.r byTheway."

I giggled at how bad he was at texting. Both Mittens and Emira came over to me, and read the text over my shoulder. I felt my heart began to pound on my chest of how excited I was. I was so glad that he had accepted my offer, and that we could finally hang out together. I was about to text him back, when Emira pinched me, and I looked at her confused.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"To make sure you weren't dreaming," she said, with a sly smile.

Mittens laughed a bit, and felt my face grow even hotter.

Hunter's POV

"He isn't answering...are you sure im not just "texting" some rando?" I asked Luz.

"Just give it a minute he is probably writting a whole essay on how much he loves and adores you," they said, leaning on my shoulder.

I pushed her off and put my attention back on the scroll.

Edric's POV

I shooed them away, and they walked off laughing. I let out a sigh, and looked down at my scroll with a smile.

"Alright, tomorow after school at the lagoon! See ya! <3"

It's been forever since I have updated this, but when I came to check on my little story I saw that we were at 1k  reads!!!! Like what the heck you guys!? THANK YOU SO MUCH! I appreciate it! Im so glad you guys like the storry so far! I will try to update when I have the energy to do promises.

Anyway, hope you guys have a great day/night!

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