Chapter 2: Fights & Hides

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Apple's POV:

Since Onion isn't picking up his phone, I decided to tried and find a weapon to keep myself safe, luckily I found a metal pole. I peek outside to see if there's any of those... Whatever they are.

Seems like alot, gotta be quiet

I quietly went outside while crouching, it seems those 'things' aren't hearing, smelling or finding me. Which is good until a person who is covered in blood, assuming they are one of them and screeches at me


Hot Dog's POV:

Onion doesn't seem to be calming down at the moment while Cotton Candy and Burger tries to calm him down. Meanwhile, French Fry is blocking the doors and windows while I'm trying to figure out how to contact someone to help us.

"What if he never makes it out alive and... and..." -O

"Calm down Onion, I'm sure he's fine. He's probably protecting himself from danger. Sure he is dumb and all but he's not that dumb to defend himself right?" -CC

"I blame this on you, Burger" -CC

"What?! Why me?" -B

"Because you're the one who said that he's probably dead" -CC

"Well it's not my fault that I didn't know he was dead or not!" -B

I overheard those two talking and it seems like they are fighting. I went over to stop them from fighting each other.

"Hey hey hey, how about you two stop arguing and tried comforting Onion for a moment" -HD

"We weren't arguing Hot Dog, we're just complaining" -B

"It's still the same thing!" -HD

"No it's not!" -B

We then argue on stuffs while Onion is just completely miserable.

Apple's POV:

I managed to fight them off and boy was it stressful. I ran inside an abandoned building just relived my stress and all.

"Help!" -?

What the...

"Who's there?!" -A

I carefully went and follow the voice to where it came from with my weapon ready just in case.I found a women.

"Please help me!" -W

"W-what's going on?" -A

"I was trying to find my daughter but it seems she ran away since those infected people are here, sadly I got infected." -W

"Well... What can I do to help you Ma'am?" -A

"I want you to find... My daughter, her name... Was Lemondrop... I believe... She went that way... Please protect her..." -W

Lemondrop is still alive?!

"Wait, ma'am-" -A

Before I could finish my sentences, Lemondrop's mom has become one of them. She then started chasing me.

"I'm sorry, but you have to die. I promise to protect your child" -A

I then stab her through the mouth with a pole. And now my pole is bloody.

French Fry's POV:

Oh what are those yelling and screaming about.

I looked over to see three of my friends arguing, I then look at Onion who still doesn't seem to be alright. I went over and stop the fight.

"Oh would you motherf*ckers shut the hell up! We have bigger fish to fried and you guys are here, arguing?!" -FF

They all look at me.

"Look outside, there's alot of 'them' eating people while you three are here arguing about some stupid dumb things?! I thought you guys were better than this!" -FF

"I... I agreed!" -O

"You guys need to stop this nonsense, I don't care if y'all are trying to comfort me" -O

"Dude, you were literally having a panic attack when Apple is literally outside with those things" -HD

"... Scratch that one but please! You need to stop this nonsense and apologize to each other" -O

Onion then gave that pleading face and they all apologize.

"Now Hot Dog, try contacting for some help again, you two help me board these up and Onion... Well you don't seem to be okay but you don't seem to be a panic attack aswell so try to calm down for yourself, okay?" -FF

We all agreed and went back to what we were doing but a little difference I guess.

End of Chapter 2

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