4. the jawas

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"Y/n listen to me!" said a voice I didn't recognize. "You need to go now!" It was a woman who seemed to be crying. She was hugged me for what seemed like a lifetime before she let go again. There was also a man next to her who was crying as well. They seemed to be in their middle 30s. They looked terrified.

"But-but why do I need to go?" I asked. They just looked at each other and both said, "It's for the best." I felt my own tears run down my face as a pair of arms pulled me away from them. It was another woman who seemed to related to the woman who told me to leave. But in that moment I realized that those people looked a lot like me. "No! Wait!" I exclaimed. I was being ripped away from my parents. The last thing I heard them say was, "we'll find you again someday, y/n"

I kicked and screamed as I was pulled out of the house and into a vehicle. I turned around to see that it was my adoptive parents who pulled me away. The woman was my biological aunt but they ended up adopting me later on. Our vehicle drove off as I saw a ship land down next to my house. These people with white armor walked out and stood in a line outside. They busted into my house and I saw red flashes of light. But through the window I could have swore I saw each of my parents holding blue laser swords.

"Wake up." I gasped as I felt someone kick my leg. This caused me to shot up quickly at the feeling. The person seemed to be startled by my sudden movements. "We need to get going now." The person who I recognized as Mando said. All I did was nod. He stared at me for a few more seconds thinking if he should ask me about my nightmare but he didn't. He looked away and went towards to child to get him ready to go.

That's when all my memories from my nightmare started coming back. My parents were... Jedi? But the Jedi are the enemies of the Mandalorians. Or so I'm told. My parents must have sent me away to protect me. I sit there for a few more seconds in shock.

This is when I realized how hungry I was. I hadn't eaten for at least a day and a half ago. And losing all that blood didn't help. When I finally stand up I wobble a little and I immediately felt sick. But I know I can't throw up here. I mean I have my helmet on still and I can't take it off. I also realized how badly my neck hurts from sleeping with my helmet on. It's been a while since I've had to do that.

We had been walking for a few hours before we finally reached to where his ship was. But as we got closer and closer I could hear the Jawas more clearly. They were taking apart his ship! This had happen before that's why I don't have a ship anymore.

I saw Mando freeze up the moment he saw the Jawas on his ship. He immediately crouched down to get a better look. Then he took out his gun and aimed at one of them.

Oh no...

"Mando wait-" I started but I got interrupted by the sound of him disintegrating Jawa after Jawa. All the Jawas started running everywhere and tried to get back into their ship. When the ship started to drive off Mando put his gun away and ran after it.

I just stood there watching him. I have my arms crossed and I'm just shaking my. There's no way this is going to end up going well. I was still too tired to run after him and I just didn't feel like it. If he dies he dies. I mean I could just take the child and run now, right? Then I could get the whole bounty.

But then the child's pod started following him and I was forced to run after it. Their ship was getting faster so I jumped on to it and I started climbing the side. I just stayed there making sure the child doesn't get hurt.

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