Chapter Six: Meeting New Friends

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17th May 1879

The deal has been made for Phantasma and will open on the 6th July. Everyone is getting excited for it Erik has found four business partners that he can trust the oldest is Albert Braxton (42) then its Chester Harvey (36) then Robert Reed (29) and the youngest is Coleman Stanley (21) Erik is older than Coleman (22). they are married with children well except from Coleman.

he has met up with them to talk about the theme park and have become aquantences but Erik wants to get to know them and become Friends it would be good for Meg and Christine to get to know more woman around here, she he invites them and there families for dinner on tuesday (29th May) and they all agreed.

20th May 1879

The week past rather slowly everyone was busy getting ready for phantasma, Meg was getting her costumes fitted Madame Giry was auditioning young girls for the ballet, Erik was always in the office finallising the money and things and Christine was auditioning the singers/performers. Everyone was so busy and stressed.


"okay, thank you. Next" i shouted i was auditioning the girls for singing and so far they were bad, they can sing just not in tune, i guess i would have to teach them, as the woman walked of stage a younger girl came on she was nervous i could tell i had to stay cold but looking at her she reminded me of me when i was her age i looked at her papers to see she is only 13 so i decided to be nice to her as she is only young "hello, sweetie whats your name" i asked in a sweet tone she seemed to relax once i spoken erm my name is sophia" she answered "well Sophia what a lovely name, what song will you be singing" i asked again "well im going to sing I dreamed a dream" she answered shyly i looked up to her shocked thats a really hard song to sing for someone her age i couldnt even sing it until i was 17 with the help of Erik "well then of you go" i instructed and she started singing

I dreamed a dream in time gone by

when hope was high and life worth living

i dreamed that love would never die

i dreamed that god would be forgiving.

i was looking at her shocked i didnt hear her sing the rest of the song i was fixitated and when she finished i stood up clapping "brava brava bravissimo" i shouted sophia started to blush "so erm sophia were are your parents" i asked she put her head down and answered "there dead" i felt her pain she really did remind me of me "so who looks after you, where do you live?" i asked again "well no one looks after me, and i live in the church across the street" she answered my heart just sunk and tears came to my eyes which she saw "oh miss im and ever so sorry i didnt mean to upset you" she cried and tears were forming in her eyes,. "Auditions are now over everyone come back tomorrow at 9 am sharp" i shouted everyone groaned but soon departed, sophia started to leave but i couldnt let her go to a church dont get me wrong they proberly treat her well but i have lived in a church like that with my father and it wasnt pleasent "wait sophia not you" i shouted running towards her he turned around and was confused "there is someone i want you to meet and i want you to sing for him" i told her she just nodded and followed me, i couldnt let her go back i want her to stay with me and Erik and i know he will do anything that will make me happy and when he hears Sophia sings he will want her to stay too.

They got to Eriks office and Christine knocked on the door "come in" Erik said so they did "Erik, darling there is someone i would like you to meet" Christine said walking into the office with Sophia shyly following her, "who" he replied "this is sophia and i have asked her to sing for you" she said Erik was busy but Christine had such high hopes in her eyes he just agreed and listen to her singing i dreamed a dream his mouth was wide open and was shocked, Sophia just froze and blushed "sophia sweetie, will you wait outside i will come for you in a minuete and please dont wonder off" Christine said sophia just nodded and walked out of the office Christine looked over to Erik and they both had the same expression, they both wanted the same thing "Erik she has no family she reminds me of me when i was her age her parents are dead" she started going on but Erik interupted her "what are you saying christine" he asked with a smile on his face "i want to adopt her" she replied he just gave her a nod and replied "i know you do, i want to, too, but we have no room" "we have a spare room and i when the baby is born it can stay in our room until its old enough to have its own room oh please Erik" she pleaded "alright darling" he replied Christine jumped up in excitement and shouted for sophia to come in which she did.


"Sophia you can come in now" i heard christine shouted i wondered what is going on so i walked in and she gestured me to sit on the sofa which i did and she came over and sat next to me and her husband Erik i believe his name to be sat opposite us "Sophia i know you have just met us, but when i heard you sing i knew it was a sign from up above, Erik and I would like to adopt you, but only if thats okay with you" she said i felt tears in my eyes someone finally wants to adopt me "yes, oh my god yes" i screamed tears falling onto my face Christine started to cry and so did erik and they both came and we hugged we pulled away from the hug and Erik had a serious look on his face "sophia dont get me wrong i want to be your father i really do but there is one thing i have to show you, i have to show you my face and i when you see it and is scared you dont have to agree to be our daughter" he said in a stern voice i just nodded and he took of his white mask to reveal his deisformed face i just looked at him opened my eyes wide and chuckled "oh, thats nothing i have seen worse" i said Erik had a light in his eyes "so you except me even though im and ugly monster" he whispered with tears in his eyes "oh Erik your not ugly i find you rather charming, and for your face i think id beautiful, anyway beauty lies underneath right" i answered he just hugged me and then i pulled away and said in a serious tone "i need to aske you two a question" "go on" christine asked "would it be alright by you if i called you mother and father, i havent been able to call anyone that since i was 9 years old" i carried on they looked at each other and then at me "yes we would love that" they both said in sinc.

26th July 1879

Christine and Erik signed the adoption papers and now Sophia was now a Destler they got her into her new home and went to show her, her new room it had bed and a bedside table with a piano in the corner, she also had an onsuite.


wow my new room is amazing Christine well should i say Mother statrf to unpack my clothes and noticed i didnt have that many "oh Sophia darling get your shoes on im taking you shopping for new clothes" i looked at her surprised "new clothes really are you sure i dont want to be a pain" i asked "oh darling you my daughter now i will not have you walikng around in ripped up clothes that are too small for you" she said which was true i havent had any new clothes since my 10th birthday, with that we went shopping i got a whole new wardrobe of undergarments and shoes and dresses they kinda looked like mothers which i was pleased with. we got home so i could meet mothers friend Meg and Aioinette Giry i was nervous but excited to meet new people.

They go into there home and unpacked evetything Sophia threw away her old clothes and put on her new light blue flowy dress and christine styled her hair the was christine had before she was married "oh mother i love it thank you" she said and hugged christine who just giggled and hugged back "anything for my sweet angel" she replied, there was a sudden knock on sophias door it was Erik "hello father how was work" she asked "oh just the usual my god Sophia you look like an angel" he replied

"thats what mother called me"



then there was a knock at the front door it was Meg and Ainoinette, they both greeted Sophia with a smile which she gave back "hello my name is Sophia" she said raising her hand for them to shake which they both did, they all talked for about an hour had dinner and then Meg and Ainoinette went home and it was time for them all to go go bed.

"mother could you sing for me" Sophia asked so she did

Angel i here you speak i listen stay by my side guide me

Angel my sole was weak forgive me

Enter at last master.

and with that Sophia was asleep soon after Christine and Erik was asleep too.

A lovers Nightmareحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن