Chapter 4: Getting to Know the Sins

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Hawk can claim to have done many things that seem impossible to almost anyone he meets. He can move faster than lightning, casually. He can slice through a mountain at half strength. He beat the king of the underworld in a one-on-one fight to the death*(1), and he killed Remnants Twin gods*(2). He even fought an alternate version of himself*(3). After everything he has ever experienced and done, nothing could ever prepare him for...sitting inside a tavern on top of a giant pig. Looking over, he is at least glad to see Pyrrha is finding the situation enjoyable, as she's looking out the small window of the tavern.

Hawk didn't really mind or care for the other compatriots that Meliodas had brought along. Meliodas explained that he, King, Merlin, and Gowther are four members of a team of knights known as the Seven Deadly Sins, which Meliodas leads. Two of their other members had gone their separate ways. Diane, the sin of Envy, had her recent memories wiped and was making her way towards the land of the giants. And Ban, the sin of Greed, went off to search for a way to bring back some woman he lost.

Seeing how Meliodas and the three other Sins treated each other reminded Hawk of him and his Four Swords*(4). Hawk had initially come up with the name for the group, basing them off the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse, a story his mother had within her collection of books. While Hawk was reminiscing on his past life and mistakes, he felt someone poke him. Pulling him back to reality, he looked to see it was Arthur.

Arthur: "Sorry to bother you, sir. But Sir Meliodas informed me that I should introduce myself to you and thank you. You are the one who fought Galand and protected my kingdom...when I couldn't." Hawk could visibly see Arthur was beating himself up on the inside.

Hawk: "Don't call me sir; I'm not a knight. And there's no need for thanks. I was simply protecting those who couldn't protect themselves. Also, don't beat yourself up about losing. You lived. That means you have the opportunity to improve and do right by those you failed. Anyway, name's Hawk Branwen, and the woman next to me is Pyrrha Nikos. Unfortunately, she can't join us as she's too enthralled with what we're passing by." Arthur seems to ease up as he sits across from the two do them, Pyrrha slightly waving at Arthur before being pulled back to the wonders of the outside.

Arthur: "Thank you, your kind words of encouragement are deeply appreciated. Mind if I ask how you learned to wield such weaponry but weren't trained as knights?"

Hawk: "No bother at all. Pyrrha used to be a tournament fighter, a successful one at that. She has a lot of experience under her belt. But she trained under a specific master for about a year to master the weapons she uses now. If I'm not mistaken, she just finished not that long ago."

Pyrrha: "About a month ago."

Hawk: "I, on the other hand, have been trained to wield a blade all my life. So much so that there aren't many who can be my equal."

Pyrrha: "Beleive me. He isn't bragging."

Arthur: "Impressive, no, astonishing! I thought Sir Meliodas was the best swordsman, but if you could save his life, I have no doubt you can back up your claim." The floating black orb, Aldan, moves to the table.

Merlin: "Arthur. Ah, it seems your acquainting yourself with our peculiar guest. I apologize that I cannot greet both of you physically as my body was unfortunately trained to stone by Galand's Commandment of Truth."

Hawk: "Well, that sounds pretty unfortunate. Let me guess you're a wizard of some kind."

Merlin: "Correct. Very perceptive of you. Are you perhaps a practitioner of magic? Given your use of magical items, like that amulet around your neck." Hawk reaches down to grasp the amulet around his neck.

Pyrrha: "Oh! The amulet is more of a...dampener. Hawk's...power is kind of overwhelming and unstable. The amulet keeps it more manageable."

Hawk: "Yes. I received it from a friend of mine named Emrys*(5). He's a bit of an expert in the whole magic department."

Pig: "Well, that explains why you're SO weak." The pig waddles over to the table. A small bowl of what looks like food scraps is tied around his neck.

Hawk: "What did you just say, PIG?"

Pig: "You heard what I said...chump. You. Are. Weak. You barely have over 1,000 Power level. Compared to my 3,000, your nothing. Hah."

Hawk: "Power level?" Pyrrha shrugs, not knowing what that meant either.

Slader: "Power Level is the combined power of your Physical, Magical and Soul's Power, respectively."

Merlin: "While the pig is quite rude, he is also right. Your power level is surprisingly low, 350 Physical, 325 Magical, and 325 Soul, to make a combined 1,000. In comparison, Pyrrha has an impressive 4,526 Power level. Captain? Are you sure Hawk was a good choice to bring along?"  Hawk then sighs as he stands up from the table.

Hawk: "Well, I've been meaning to stress test Emrys's amulet for a while now. So now's a better time, if any, to do so."

Pyrrha: "Are you sure? I don't want you to break the amulet."

Meliodas: "Come on, I wanna see how strong Hawk is."

Hawk: "Be careful what you wish for."

Hawk takes a deep breath and begins to release more of his power. In all reality, Hawk had trained all his life to have complete control of his power. So much so that the 1,000 power level he had been described with was only just him as powered down as possible. In truth, it was more of a hassle for him to restrain his power than to let it out. And Hawk wanted to go, show-off the control of his power and give the illusion of its instability. Doing so by forcing it out like opening the door to a hurricane.

The others, excluding Pyrrha, recoiled in shock and slight terror as Hawk's Power continued to rise without end.

Merlin: "It shot to 50,000! 55,000! It just jumped again to 70,000!"

As soon as Hawk felt as though he could go further, he felt himself hit a sort of wall. Now he could easily blow past it, but if it was Emrys's amulet, then he could end up breaking it, and that would cause more problems. So he decided to stop and let his power settle. Looking around to see the almost terrified faces of everyone about, except for Merlin and Pyrrha. The latter rolled her eyes as she knew he was just showing off.

Pig: "9- 93,456..." The pig managed to say through trembling words.

Hawk: "Hope that eleveates any concerns about my capabilities." He was smirking as he sat back down with Pyrrha.

*(1): Child of Omens Ruination Part 2: Chapter 32
*(2): Child of Omens Ruination Part 2: Chapter 35
*(3): Child of Omens Part 3: Chapter 13
*(4): Child of Omens Ruination Part 2: Chapter 33
*(5): Arcane Manifest: Chapter 10

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