"It had?" asked Toph confused.

"Yes. I've let you and your sister far too much freedom. From now on, you'll be cared for and guarded twenty-four hours a day!"

Ren's expression fell and her eyes switched to her mother, hoping that she would argue against Lao's archaic decisions, but Poppy was only nodding her head, agreeing to every word her husband uttered.

"But dad!" exclaimed Toph, making Ren step next to her.

"It's insane," she said with a sad look, "we have the right to live our lives! You cannot lock us here forever!"

"We're going this for your own good," said Poppy as she looked at Toph. Her eyes moved to Ren and her expression softened slightly, but the woman only repeated her words.

Lao got up from his seat and glared at Aang. "Please escort the Avatar and his friends out," he said, pointing to the door, "they are no longer welcomed here."

A small tear escaped Toph's eyes and Ren scoffed in anger. The older girl took her sister's hand gently and dragged her away from their parents, not even meeting Poppy's gaze anymore. Once they were inside Ren's room, the young girl shut the doors closed, the strength she put in the push rocking the walls.

In Toph's head, she already knew what she wanted. Follow the Avatar, be free, take Ren and leave Gaoling. But she knew that as much as Ren would want to, she never agreed. She felt as her sister faced the room and frowned when she saw the girl grab a bag from underneath the bed. Her next words were a surprise to Toph, but a good one.

"Let's go after them," said Ren, her tone almost desperate, "we'll travel the world, we'll live our lives. There is nothing for us here Toph, and you know that. Let's be selfish for once and do what we want to do."

Ren took Toph's hesitation as a bad sigh and her face started turning sad again, the hope vanishing from her eyes. That is until Toph gave a small nod and muttered a small "okay". Ren's eyes lit and she rushed back underneath her bed where she took a clean set of clothes. She threw them at Toph with a smile.

"get changed, quick," she said, and Toph's lip turned upwards at the way her older sister was prepared for everything.

After Toph disappeared behind the door of the small bathroom, Ren pulled her own new set of clothes. She took her dress off and pulled her only pair of trousers on. They were a beige color, and the original design let the trouser fall loosely around the middle of her calf. But Ren didn't like it, so she grabbed one of the knives from her wall and tore of the sides of the trousers up to her mid-tight. She tied the two parts of the bottom hem together, making the pair of trousers fit better on her legs. She quickly took a pale green long flag-like fabric that she wrapped around her waist and let fall in front of her legs. Putting on a short, beige with golden details long sleeved top, she smiled satisfied and took her scarf that she wrapped around her neck.

The bag that was thrown on her bed regained her hands and she turned to her wall of weapons. She started taking a few knifes, and ended up taking almost everything. Some of the weapons, she scattered them around her body, through the fabric of her clothes, in her pockets and sleeves and at her belt, knowing that it would be too heavy to put all in the bag. She left one knife, a memory of her for her mother. She jogged to the other side of the room and took the two books on the small table, stuffing them inside the bag as well.

Right as Toph walked out of the bathroom, her new outfit looking neat, Ren opened one of the cupboards of her drawer and took two small wooden containers.

"Are you seriously taking your lotus tea with us?" asked Toph with a teasing look.

"Shut up," said the girl with a small frown as she let the containers drop in the bag before closing it, "I like it too much to leave it."

Toph let out a loud laugh and walked towards the window. Ren put her shoes on and grabbed the katana from her bed before following her sister out of the estate. "lead the way," muttered the older girl when she realized she had no idea where to go, making Toph smirk and start running.

The two girls ran up a hill and through buses before they stopped next to a giant animal. Aang looked back from the saddle of the animal when he heard the tired pants of the two girls and his eyes widened when he saw them.

"Toph! Ren! What are you two going here?"

"Our dad changed his mind," lied Toph, and Ren didn't try to correct her, "he said we were free to travel the world."

Sokka and Katara looked at each other before they smiled warmly at the two girls. "Well," started the boy, "we better get out of here. Before your dad changes his mind again."

The two girls nodded, a small chuckle escaping Ren's lips. "You're gonna be a great teacher, Toph," said Aang before he turned to Ren, "and I'd love to learn some hand to hand combat."

The older girl smiled warmly, feeling appreciated by the group. She started climbing on the animal with the help of the water tribe siblings as Toph said she wanted to show something to Aang. The next thing she saw after comfortably sitting down next to Sokka was Aang hanging upside down from a tree.

"Now we're even," said Toph, making Ren laugh. her laughter died down and her eyes fell on the belt Sokka was wearing around his waist.

"we'd love the belt back," said the sixteen year old with a sarcastic smile.

Sokka rolled her eyes and took it off before throwing it at Ren. The sudden weight came as a surprise and the girl stumbled back, falling off the saddle of the animal right on top of her little sister.

"Sorry," said Sokka as Ren rolled off and checked if her sister was alright.

"he's lying," whispered Toph.


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