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Narrator's Pov: It's been at least 2 months since we've been dating and Gaege is the only one that knows I think it's time we should tell the other boys.

Eddie's Pov: I agree but at the same time I don't know how they'll react and it's scary to think about.

Narrator: Hey, if you don't want to tell them that's completely okay! I was just throwing it out there.

Eddie: No no no. It's time. We're going to tell them today okay!

Narrator: Are you sure..?

Eddie: Yes!

Narrator: Okay I'll invite them over..

Narrator called all of the other boys in their main group chat.

Mully's Pov: (Answers.) Hey, narrator.

Josh's Pov: (Answers.) What do you want. 😑

Gaege's Pov: (Answers.) What do you want, rat? 💀😑

Narrator: Can you guys come over to my house today? Me and Eddie need to tell you something.

Gaege: Oh no. 💀

Mully: Aight mate, I'll be there. Can't say the same for Josh though.

Josh: Shut the fuck up Mully, you big fat fucking retard. 🤬 (hangs up.)

Mully: Wow. 💀 (Hangs up.)

Eddie: So, are they coming?

Narrator:..I, think soo?????? 💀

About 20 minutes passed by and there was a knock at the door followed by arguing.

Eddie's Pov: (I walked over and opened the door to see Josh, Mully and Juicy.)

Josh's Pov: (Violently slapping Mully.)

Mully's Pov: (Violently slapping Josh.)

Gaege's Pov: I hate my fucking life (I stormed into Narrators house.) 💀

Eddie: You two can stop acting like girls now. 💀

Josh: The fuck did you just say to me? 🤬

Mully: Calm down Josh. (I shoved Josh inside walking in after him.) 😑

Eddie closed the door locking it this time.

Gaege's Pov: So, what did you want to tell us? (I say knowing damn well what they are about to tell us.)

Narrator's Pov: *I walked over to Eddie and held his hand.* It'll be okay we can do this.

Eddie's Pov: *I smiled at Narrator and took a deep breath* Me and narrator have been dating for 2 months, and want to adopt a kid.

All Povs but Eddie's: WWWWHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAATTT!!!!!?????% 😨😨😱😱🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🤰


Mully and Josh: YOU KNEW!?

Gaege: I'VE KNOWN. 💀

Eddie: I mean-!

Narrator's Pov: (I cut off Eddie.) Since when did we talk about adopting a kid!?

Eddie: I didn't mean to say that!!!! 😭

Mully: I HATE KID'S!!!!!!!!!!! I HATE WISH KIDS!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬


Narrator: Eddie, you want kids?

Eddie: Only one..

Gaege: You guys would make great dad's way better than Josh and Mully.

Josh: 😡🤬👿

Eddie: tttthhhhhanks?

Narrator: A boy, or a girl?

Eddie: I don't know. Probably a girl?

Narrator: Aww! Honey we can adopt a girl.

Eddie: No. You're just saying that.

Narrator: Eddie you know I'm not like that, come on.

Eddie: I don't know...I guess you're right.

Mully: NOOOO 🤬🤬


A couple hours after that disaster instead of waiting for the next day or something, Narrator and Eddie go to the adoption center.

Random ahh worker: Hi! Are you guys looking to adopt?

Eddie: Yes, actually! A girl, maybe around the age 7 or 8?

Random ahh worker: Okay come right along with me! :)

Narrator's Pov: (Me and Eddie walked with the worker to where the kids were.)

Random ahh worker: Here they are, you can pick whichever you want.

Eddie: Uhm....Narrator could you help..?

Narrator: Of course!

*A random ahh little girl runs up to Narrator and says hi.*

Narrator: This one.

Eddie: R-really-?

Narrator: Yes this one right here.

Random ahh worker: Okay, come with me and we'll get the paperwork signed.

Narrator's Pov:  (I held the little girl's hand.) So, what's your name little one?

Kids Pov: My name is Sophie and I'm 7! :D

Narrator: Aww, such a cute name!

Eddie: (Smiles tearing up.)

Narrator: Are you alright honey?

Eddie: Yes! Just really really happy..!

Narrator: That's good. :)

They then got the paperwork signed and went home with Sophie showing her around the house and where her room would be.

Tbc.......👹 Actually kill me I am so sorry.

Narrator x Eddie 👩‍💻🛐Where stories live. Discover now