I'll always take care of you

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Bailey snuck in through Carter's window. It was easy enough since she had done it a thousand times before. The other girl always leaves it open knowing that Bailey was most likely gonna come over and just stay with her. She was her girlfriend after all. 

It wasn't the first time she had sneaked in and Carter wasn't in her room. Maybe the other girl had things to do around the house. Bailey let herself in and sat on the bed waiting for her to come back when she heard the front door slam before shouting began. 

"Why the hell were you behaving like that, Carter?" Carter's mom, Ellis yelled at her. 

Bailey flinched at the yelling, she had enough of that at home herself but this was way worse.

Carter didn't answer and proceeded up the stairs but before she could her dad, Richard pulled her back down. " You answer your mother, you ungrateful girl." 

Carter yelled out in pain as she fell back and down the stairs. 

"Serves you right." Ellis spat. "Tell us, why were you ignoring Tyler Moore all night?" 

Bailey was stunned. Tyler Moore was in one of her classes and was one of the richest kids at the University. He had been trying to win over Carter for months now but Carter had always turned him away. Now out of nowhere, they were together? What was going on?

Carter still didn't reply. She knew better than to talk back, especially if all she wanted to say was nothing good. This enraged her father though and he pulled her up before slamming her against the door and slapping her face.

"Now you listen here you selfish brat!" Richard yelled at her as he dropped her. "We have given you a roof over your head and food on the table for you to eat even if we didn't give a shit about you. You're nobody, you got that." 

"Tyler was our way back to the lavish life before you were born, the least you could've done was say yes to him," Ellis complained. "Now why didn't you?"

Ellis then kicked Carter in the stomach making her double over in pain. Bailey wanted to rush downstairs to help her but she knew it could only make the situation worse. Carter spat blood at their feet, not caring about it, not caring about them anymore. 

"You wanna know why I said no?" Carter started, so tired of their abuse. "I said no because Tyler is an ass, a complete douchebag with no respect for women at all. He can chase me all he wants, I'll never say yes to him because you know what I'm gay!" 

"You little bitch!" Richard then pulled her up the stairs. 

Bailey hurried back out the window to avoid being seen by anyone in the family. Richard threw her into the room and spat at her. He took off his belt and whipped it at her, leaving scars on her arms as she tried to protect herself. He did it for a while until Carter finally dropped her arms. Richard lifted her up once more and smacked her against the wall. 

"Let this be a lesson to you! No one is ever gonna love a freak like you. Go rot in hell." Richard then threw her aside before walking out of her room and slamming the door.

Bailey was just about to reveal herself when out of nowhere Carter started cursing long profanities as she fixed herself up. This shocked her because Carter was always reserved and quiet but it made sense, especially with what just happened. Bailey couldn't just watch as Carter tried to treat and wrap her arms. 

When Carter gave up, she sat down on her bed when Bailey finally made herself known. Carter was about to say something but one look from Bailey made her stop otherwise. She watched as Bailey treated her arms from the cuts before wrapping them up. Bailey then applied some Aloe Vera on Carter's cheek and stomach to soothe the bruising. 

"SHh ouch." Carter hissed at the pain.

Bailey smiled sheepishly. "Sorry." 

After wrapping Carter's stomach,  Bailey kneeled down in front of the other girl and held her hands.

"How much did you hear?" Carter asked her.

"All of it," Bailey confessed. "Why are they doing this to you? They're maniacs! Why haven't you reported them to Child services? Or even run away?" 

"I'm not leaving Ethan alone." That was all Carter said.

Bailey knew who Ethan was, they even met a few times when he would barge into Carter's room. Ethan was Carter's younger little brother. He looked a lot like her and even acted like her as if he was a younger boy version of Carter.

"Where is he?" Bailey asked, wondering if the kid had heard all the yelling and screaming.

"At Ben's place for a sleepover. Mom and Dad would never hurt me in front of him. They make him think that  I'm their pride and joy." When Carter said the last part it was oozing with sarcasm.

All Bailey could do was kiss the girl's hands that were in hers. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want you to worry about me. I can handle myself and they don't do it often so I'm able to heal before the next beating." Carter didn't realize it but she was crying now. 

Bailey stood up and wrapped herself around Carter, her legs around Carter's waist and her arms around Carter's upper body as she sat down on her lap. 

"I will always worry about you," Bailey told her as she captured Carter's lips in her own. 

They stayed like that for a while until they were starting to run out of air. Their foreheads connected as they took it all in. "Now, let me take care of you."

Carter just nodded and smiled at her. Bailey always knew what to say to make her happy. Bailey got off her lap and Carter laid down to relax herself. Bailey climbed in beside her and played with her hair as Carter curled up beside her letting sleep take over as the pain dulled down. 

Bailey stole one more kiss before Carter fell asleep. "I'll always take care of you." 

"I know you will." 

One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora