Chapter 2

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At school I had a very small group of friends, but a lot of people whom I spoke to. If someone wished to talk to me no matter who they were or what it was about I would make sure to reply to them. A lot of the time I was the person that people went to when they had some sort of issue that they had to deal with. I never said anything to anyone about what someone else talked to me about even if it wasn't personal.

I was probably one of the few people in my entire school who could ever keep a secret. Rumors were rampant at my school and a lot of the time, even though it was so large, if there was a major event everyone would have heard about it.

Many had come to find out that I was the person to go to to talk about their issues, but very few ever knew much about me.

So it wasn't much of a surprise for me when I walked into the school to have seen so many people talking to one another in their own little groups not really caring about my presence in the halls. It also wasn't much of a surprise to me to find that while some said "hello" to me and waved as I passed by there was no "Happy Birthdays!" I liked it that way.

I hated when others made big deals about their birthdays. Some ask for it just for the attention. I knew that many are never truly sincere in their greetings and happy birthday's to people. So, why would I want a bunch of birthday wishes that don't truly mean anything.

I walked down the hall to the stairwell. I went up two flights of stairs then walked down the upstairs hallway and took a right to where the junior lockers were and went to access my locker. I liked the lockers at Filmore High School. They were the size of around 2 and a half lockers at other high schools that I had visited. The only drawback was that there had to be a lot of lockers that covered the four floors of the school and that sometimes when the school had more students they assigned locker partners for each other.

I was one of the lucky ones. I didn't have to share my locker with anyone else and I got to decorate it any way I wished. That consisted of a ton of pictures of all the musicians that I loved and all the television shows I watched as well as pictures from times that I got to hang out with my friends.

I unlocked my locker to grab my books for my first class Ap United States History when I look to see a bunch of glitter all over my locker with some mini balloons and a cake that had a plastic covering it that was situated on the top of my books.

It made me smile to myself knowing exactly the group of people that did this wonderful deed for my birthday. My best and only real friends in the entire school Jack, Tally, and Izzy. I knew that the cake was most likely baked by Jack as he loved to make pastries. Tally must have brought the balloons as they were plain except for the different drawings on them of the four us and Tally, Tally had an amazing artistic talent. Then the sparkles were obviously Izzy's idea since she absolutely loved the stuff. Izzy's entire clothing collection had some sort of glitter on it somewhere.

I loved them for this. They were all very different from one another, but they all brought something amazing to our friendship together and none of us would be the same without the others there.

I turned around to see the three of them standing behind me and all of them chorus at once, "Happy Birthday! Sia!"

I both liked and disliked there name for me. They knew how much I loved Sia's music, but they also knew that I didn't like having her name as my nickname because I feel like they thought of me as being on the same level of awesome as her and I felt that I was a tiny little mouse compared to Sia's prowess.

"Thank you guys so much!" I said opening my arms to hug them all.

We shared a group hug, chuckling together in the happy moment.

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