Chapter 2

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All Todoroki could do, is watch as Midoriya went searching around looking for stuff. That had him confused, why was izuku looking around when he should be smacking him. Then it came to him when he saw his duffle bag he pulled from under the bed the all night duffle bag, he was packing his stuff.

Todoroki didn't know what to do but get out of bed and try to grab izuku. as soon as he went to grab his wrist, izuku punched him and backed away like he shoto would hurt him. "how could you ever do this to me" izuku said while tears were threatening to fall, izuku saw he was missing his all might hoodie,

until he saw it near that sluts bra. he got even more pissed and picked it up and stuffed it into the duffle bag before giving one good turn to shoto making eye contact to show him he was 100% serious. "you're dead to me todoroki, we're over" then slammed the door. as soon as he slammed the door he couldn't help but put his body against it and fall seeing that all his adrenaline is gone, and become sobbing at his cheating boyfriend.


The only thing that was going through my mind, is how midoriya looked when he told me i was dead to him. i felt a shift on the bed then realized i wasn't alone and then realized how it all happened. i grabbed momo by the throat, and screamed at her "HOW IN FUCKS NAME DID WE END UP ON THE SAME BED?" momo looked scared and apart of me felt glad that i scared her but another part of me felt like my father, and for that i shut up completely. "i'll ask you again momo, why are we in the same bed naked when the last thing i remember was you handing me a drink after i was talking to
you about finding a prefect gift for midoriya! you have 10 seconds to answer and if i feel like ur lying even in the slightest. i swear to god i will kill you with my bare hands" *sigh* "now start explaining"

All of a sudden i was faced with momo spitting and laughing so hard she looked like she was a psycho killer, "Todoroki ur still as navive as ever, you really think all these years i've been ur "bestfriend" Todoroki couldn't do anything but look at her in disgust and shock, "What the fuck do you mean naive momo, i've never been naive" momo started dying of laughter again.

"You really are stupid when it comes to basic knowledge, i was never ur friend todoroki, you were and will always be mine no matter if a fucking broccoli head comes in you'll always be mine." momo said smiling creepily like she was proud of what she was saying,
Todoroki snapped he couldn't sit her and let that whore shit talk the love of his life. "HA how pathetic can you get momo are you really that desperate to get someone up ur legs because ur a trashy slut no one wants? you make me laugh if you think you can compare to midoriya when you are absolutely nothing compared to you, let me tell you something and listen carefully . it's not the drugs or ur childhood, or the shitty things that's happen to you in life. it's YOU, you're the problem"

Momo started to get up and try to run away while trying to hide her face but Todoroki just bashed her into the wall, smirking "You wanted me to do this right?" Todoroki said as he backed up momo into the wall "This is why you got midoriya out of the way right?" Todoroki started to moved in closer,

When all of a sudden his door opens and he sees midoriya standing right there, completely forgetting what position him and momo are in he tries to grab him, while being stopped because his hand was wrapped around momo's waist. he frantically started panicking before screaming at a running izuku "WAIT ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK I WAS GOING TO-"

all he could was glare at momo, then smirk when he realized why he made them go into a position like this, "Momo, what do you wish ur last words to be?" momo looks confused as she dosnet know what's going on "Todoroki what are you talking about?" Todoroki started laughing loud and loud to where he seemed like a psychopath, "ur right momo, sluts like you don't deserve last words" before momo could respond todoroki make a icicle out of ice and stabbed her right in the next and started laughing harder and harder as he watched her choke on her own blood and bleed out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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